Amit Jain wrote:

Software error:

Cant write /opt/otrs/var/log/Ticketcounter.log: at

../..//Kernel/System/Ticket/ Number/ line 87

I created one file too Ticketcounter.log in /opt/otrs/var/log/ and set the permissions to 775, but still it gives same error.

Please help as it is urgent.

This file should be owned by otrs:apache (or whatever your otrs user and webserver group are), should have mode 664 and should contain a number, but I'm not sure what exactly that number is. I thought it was equal to the result of running "SELECT MAX(id) FROM ticket;" on your OTRS database, but it appears that on our installation there is a slight difference between the two (2911 in the log, 2096 is MAX(id) in the ticket table).

Any idea what happened? Did you migrate your OTRS installation from another machine? You might want to copy Ticketcounter.log from the other machine in that case. I don't think files should disappear by themselves.

Nils Breunese.

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