Hello i have a question:


I'm trying to set up otrs on windows small businness server on IIS 
When I set perl.exe for .pl extension in IIS manager I see login 
screen but when I try to login I get cgi error The specified CGI 
application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP 
I've changed perl.exe to perlis.dll for .pl extension and then browser 
has returned html source instead of rendering it. 
I've also tried the 3rd method perlEx30.dll and the browser rendered 
good html page but it don't stop. The progress bar on the bottom of 
firefox shows that page hasn't been downloaded fully yet. After a 
while I get error about connection reset.

i can log in but only once. When i log out and try to log in again i
have to restart iis service on server.


When i'm logged in administrators panel and try to create new user,
group, role or queue. When i click "add" those things are not added
and otrs forwards me to ".../index.pl" page. What's the reason of this
behavior ?

Thanks for answer ! :)

Sincerely Andrzej Kaczor

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