On 8/22/07, Alan Creed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All
> Im using smtp and when I try to send some mails to some domains I got
> this:
> Message: CanĀ“t send to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Enable debug for more info.
> To enable debug does not help very much.

This may not be OTRS related. Have a look at your maillog (most likely in
/var/log) and see if you find any clues in there.

Please, help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it really necessary to use so many exclamation points? Infact, I don't
think any are needed. Infact, I don't think it's even necessary to say
"Please Help". It's pretty obvious you are looking for help, and people are
going to help you if they want to help, not because they are begged for
help. They may even be more inclined to help if they are /not/ begged.

- Gonzalo
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