Hi, I've been searching the archives here and reading the documentation,
haven't found answer to this problem yet. Everytime this job is run out of
10 * * * * $HOME/bin/otrs.cleanup

We have a lot of tickets that are already in otrs duplicated. We have
commented out that cron job for now, but I'm trying to determine 1) why the
duplicates and 2) is this job really needed?

The otrs.cleanup job makes a call to Postmaster.pl, and it runs through our
otrs/var/spool directory for emails to cleanup. The output from
otrs.cleanuplooks like this:

 Checking otrs spool dir...

   Starting otrs PostMaster... (/opt/otrs//var/spool/1) failed.

   Starting otrs PostMaster... (/opt/otrs//var/spool/10) (remove email)

   Starting otrs PostMaster... (/opt/otrs//var/spool/100) (remove email)

   Starting otrs PostMaster... (/opt/otrs//var/spool/101) (remove email)

   Starting otrs PostMaster... (/opt/otrs//var/spool/102) (remove email)

Nothing really conclusive to me there.

Any ideas on why we might be getting the duplicate tickets when this runs?

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