
dohboy schrieb:

I am having an issue where I receive a large number of phony support requests on my incoming otrs email address. I don't want to call them 'spam' but a legitimate customer seems to abuse the system by forwarding and duplicating issues many many many times. It takes a large amount of support time to sift through all the tickets and determine if they are legitimate new issues or just "spammed" old issues or duplicates of the same issue. The customer seems to ignore our auto-replies, and our polite requests to not abuse the ticket email system. What I would like to do is have the ticket not actually appear in the work queues until that customer receives his ticket number from us and confirms that its a legitimate issue by clicking an embedded link or something. I was considering setting the incoming emails into a holding-queue that nobody would look at, and would be auto-closed by a generic-agent after 24 hours. The auto-response would inform the customer that they need to verify their support request by replying to -that- email.. then a generic agent could move the ticket into the work queue.

Does this seem like a reasonable idea, or maybe there is an easier/friendlier way to do this?
sounds good.
All new tickets are assigned to a queue "to_be_verified" with state "new" and an auto-response after ticket-creation. Through replying to this auto-response, the ticket-state moves to "verified" and a generic-agent-job (or Event-module for state-changes) moves this ticket to a queue to be worked on.

I don't find a better solution for your objective.

Bye, Alex
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