I'm having a similar problem.  Here's what is appearing in the eventlog when
the apache crash happens --

Faulting application httpd.exe, version, time stamp 0x45a476e3,
faulting module libapr-1.dll, version, time stamp 0x45a474a3,
exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x0000acf3, process id 0xd2c,
application start time 0x01c7f56247b49c8c.

In looking at the event logs i see that this crash appears every few weeks.
I guess it depends on amount of usage.  Perhaps there is an updated release
of apache that fixes the problem?

I'm running OTRS 2.2.2.

On 9/13/07, pri pri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all
> i have been working on OTRS for the past 2 months now.
> i have been noticing that the apache server keeps failing from time to
> time.
> i changed  the max requestperchild parameter. so it does not fail
> everyday.
> but it happens suddenly.
> can anybody tell me why this is happening.
> i am using version 2.2.1-001- win 32. and running it on small business
> server.
> if this is a bug in this version. can somebody tell how  i can upgrade to
> the next proper version.
> thank you
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