
In the otrs/bin directory you can find a perl script,
otrs.chechModules. Run it from the command line and this will show you
if you have all you modules installed.


2008/1/3, kerneljack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Further from my last post, I just read
> http://faq.otrs.org/otrs/public.pl?Action=PublicFAQ&CategoryID=3&ItemID=200,
> and following the advice from the page, it seems I don't have mod_perl
> enabled. I get the following output:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Error: Module 'Kernel::Modules::foo' not found!
> Comment:        Please contact your admin
> Bug Report:
> Traceback:      ERROR: OTRS-CGI-10 Perl: 5.8.5 OS: linux Time: Thu Jan  3
> 15:50:14 2008
> Message: Module 'Kernel::Modules::foo' not found!
> Traceback (23477):
>    Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.23) Line: 185
>    Module: /opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin/index.pl (v1.81) Line: 47
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> I do have a 'mod_perl-1.99_16-4.5' RPM installed on the system. How
> can I enable it?
> On Jan 3, 2008 3:44 PM, kerneljack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, I just wanted to clarify/discuss some questions I have about the
> > performance of OTRS on a machine I have it installed on. I don't know
> > a lot about optimizing web servers / mod_perl for performance thus I
> > am hoping you can give me some advice. I have already read some of the
> > 'Performance Tuning' and have implemented some of the changes.
> >
> > The machine I am using is a very old Sun Cobalt Raq XTR server with
> > only 256 MB of RAM and CentOS 4 on it. There are 2 hard drives in it
> > running a software RAID 1 mirror. I would like to upgrade the RAM but
> > I don't think it will be possible.
> >
> > I am not sure if the machine is running mod_perl or not, although I
> > think it is. In /etc/httpd/conf.d/perl.conf, I have the following:
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
> >
> > #Alias /perl /var/www/perl
> > #<Directory /var/www/perl>
> > #   SetHandler perl-script
> > #    PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
> > #    PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
> > #    Options +ExecCGI
> > #</Directory>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Do I need to enable the lines from Alias onwards, and then put
> > something in /var/www/perl? Is there some other way to surely verify
> > this? In /var/log/httpd/error_log I *DO NOT* see any reference to
> > mod_perl when the server is stopped/started.
> >
> > httpd.conf is configured with the following:
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > <IfModule prefork.c>
> > StartServers       8
> > MinSpareServers 10
> > MaxSpareServers 25
> > ServerLimit      256
> > MaxClients 124
> > MaxRequestsPerChild  4000
> > </IfModule>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > When I do a 'ps' listing, I can see 10 httpd processes.
> >
> > Whenever I make a request, such as clicking on the QueueView icon or
> > Email Ticket, I see a single "index.pl" process that consumes 98-99%
> > of cpu until the page has loaded and then it exits. I also see a MySQL
> > process that takes up only about 2% cpu time and only when the
> > 'index.pl' is running. I do not see any 'perl' or 'httpd' processes
> > starting/stopping when I load a page.
> >
> > I have read some of the performance tuning section and have added the
> > 'TicketIndexModule' and 'TicketStorageModule' lines. Under Database, I
> > have done the 'optimize {ticket, ticket_history, article}. As far as I
> > can tell, mod_perl is enabled because of the 'LoadModule' line and I
> > see no 'perl' processes so I am assuming that it is working. Please
> > let me know if I am wrong in thinking this.
> >
> > Given this current configuration, I was wondering it there is any way
> > to make this faster? It is quite slow at the moment. Clicking on Email
> > Ticket or QueueView is not as instantaneous as in the demo on the OTRS
> > website. It takes upto 3-4 seconds to load. This doesn't sound too
> > bad, but with 20-30 clients accessing it all the time, the problem is
> > going to get worse isn't it? More memory might help, but I don't think
> > I will be able to obtain it. Would optimising mod_perl help in any
> > way? Or maybe reducing the number of httpd processes to reduce memory
> > usage?
> >
> > Any help much appreciated,
> > Thanks.
> >
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