Hi David,

On Do, Apr 24 2008, Buice, David R wrote:

> I have migrated our OTRS system from a Linux installation to a Solaris
> installation.  The MySql database has been moved to an EMC data mover.
> The OTRS system was upgraded from 1.2.3 to 2.2.6.
> I seem to have 3 intractable problems:
> 1.  It takes about 1 minute, 20 seconds to log into the system and/or
> whenever you click on "Ticket" when you are somewhere else like in
> "Admin".  Where should I start looking to find out why I'm having such a
> performance issue?

Is mod_perl used?

Regarding MySQL, you may find the "mysql performance primer script"
<http://www.day32.com/MySQL/> useful. It checks your MySQL configuration
and gives some optimization recommendations.

> 2.  I'm getting messages about the "update_time" for each ticket being
> extremely old.  In fact the system believes that the update time for all
> the tickets is 1/12/1970!!!  I don't think version 1.2.3 had an
> "update_time" so this is a new "feature" for us.  At the moment it is
> very unwelcome.  How to I either get rid of and/or fix "update_time"?

Setting the update time to 0 for all your queues should stop the

> 3.  We can get to the faqs from http://server_name/otrs/faq.pl but we
> cannot get to them from the "FAQ" button.  I've read other posts to this
> list that says the permissions need to be changed for each of the FAQ
> categories, but when I go to "FAQ" I don't see the "Category" button
> like I did in 1.2.3.

Do you have read/write permissions in the faq_admin group?



Henning Oschwald
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