
I'm trying to define filters to sort incoming mails into different non
root queues. The thing is it doesn't work. I've tried to change it to a
root queue and it worked. The filter is based in a regular expression
matching the mail's subject. I set the X-OTRS-Queue to the name of the
queue I want this kind of messages being forwarded to (named MYQUEUE).

# ./PostMasterPOP3.pl
Message 1/1 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
ERROR: OTRS-PM3-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: linux Time: Tue May 13 09:31:50 2008

Message: Found no $QueueID for MYQUEUE!

Traceback (31073):
  Module: Kernel::System::Queue::QueueLookup (v1.74) Line: 513
  Module: Kernel::System::PostMaster::DestQueue::GetTrustedQueueID
(v1.19) Line: 110
  Module: Kernel::System::PostMaster::Run (v1.65) Line: 318
  Module: main::FetchMail (v1.25) Line: 206
  Module: ./PostMasterPOP3.pl (v1.25) Line: 125

Connection to pop.myserver.com closed.

Is this a known bug? Any suggestions other than moving the queue to the
root level?


Joao Ricardo Marques
Dpto. Sistemas
Telf.: +34988335410
Fax:   +34988335599

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