
Im having some issues with an OTRS 2.2.4 installation on a Windows 2003
Everything has been running fine for very long.
I'm not sure that it's related but last week i added another Postmaster POP3
Account, now 8 accounts in total.

Since also sometime last week, the PostmasterPOP3 script doesn't import
No events recorded in the OTRS log, but in the CRONw log i see the

[2008/06/04 08:05:00] going to start C:/Apps/Perl/bin/perl.exe with
arguments 'C:/Apps/otrs/bin/PostMasterPOP3.pl'
[2008/06/04 08:05:00] Win32::Process::Create('C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe',
'"cmd.exe" /C "C:/Apps/Perl/bin/perl.exe
C:/Apps/otrs/bin/PostMasterPOP3.pl"', 'C:/Apps/Perl/bin')
[2008/06/04 08:05:00] Process 1608 started
[2008/06/04 08:05:01] Process 1608 finished. Exit code: 3221225477

Not totally sure, but that exit code looks to me like a C0000005, which
usually means Access Denied / Access Violation.

I can't figure out why i'm seeing this. Don't see any recent fixes installed
or any major changes made.

I tried configuring the cron service to log on as Administrator (default is
LocalSystem), and that appeared to work (only after a reboot though), but
only for a short while.
The error in the log reappears a little later, and the mail import stops.

I think that it may be more related to CRONw (or probably Windows) than
OTRS, but this may indeed be the best place to get support for both. :-)
Running version 2.0 of cronw.

Have any of you experienced something like this?
Would appreciate any input you can give.



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