Russell Streitenberger wrote:

I was wondering where the setting would be for changing the interval in which otrs checks for new mail.

it appears to check about 1 time every 10 minutes. I would like to change it to 1 minute or 30 seconds

This question has been answered quite a number of times. This interval is specified in the cron job. I assume you use the method, so you'll have to edit ~otrs/var/cron/postmaster_pop3 and restart OTRS.

You don't want to start a new check before the previous one has finished, so 30 seconds looks like dangerously low value. If you really want to go that low you're probably better off by switching to another way of getting e-mail into OTRS, for instance by using procmail to pipe emails into OTRS. See section 7.2 'Receiving emails' for the different methods:

Nils Breunese.
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