Was working with the latest FAQ version 1.5.4


Not sure what the problem was - I went back and just uninstalled the
module, reinstalled it and it worked a charm. Very odd.

I was installed the FAQ module for the first time on our second instance
of OTRS so I went to the first one to try and see what happens and it
worked flawlessly the first time - that is what led me to try the
uninstall  on the failed system. 


Microsoft grants us volume licenses for just about everything they have
so cost isn't an issue - plus, our mission critical CRMS run on MSSQL so
we standardize on that platform to enable seamless integration if we
want to cross-reference apps.


Everything is peachy now - 



Nathan Campbell 
Systems Administrator



From: otrs-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:otrs-boun...@otrs.org] On Behalf Of
Frans Stekelenburg
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 3:42 PM
To: User questions and discussions about OTRS.
Subject: Re: [otrs] OTRS 2.3.2 - FAQ Registration Help


Hi Nathan,


I hope there is someone on this list that uses MSSQL 2005 and also the
FAQ module to verify that it ought to work (and maybe need some extra


I can only think from a MySQL perspective, but perhaps may give some
ideas ;-) (MySQL not an option for you? ;-))


I think I experiences similar issue, bumping my head on the unclear
errors resulting.

Had to do with the max_allowed_packet. The module LOOKED like it was
installed but was not (completely).


For MySQL fix is relatively easy, as indicated also in the FAQ install



Make sure your database accepts packages over 5 MB in size. A MySQL
database for example accepts packages up to 1 MB by default. In this
case, the value for max_allowed_packet must be increased. The
recommended maximum size accepted is 20 MB.


I have no idea if there is an equivalent in MSSQL, could not find it.


You can find this info as Admin under [Package Manager]. Can you see and
click on 'FAQ' there? (What version is installed?)

>From there you can also try rebuild and reinstall.


If this is not the issue:


-          Did you try restart IIS? 

-          Is your admin part of new group faq_admin?

o   Put all users, that should be able to add and remove FAQ categories
etc. to the FAQ, to the "faq_admin" group

-          Checked the system and db permissions?








From: otrs-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:otrs-boun...@otrs.org] On Behalf Of
Nathan Campbell
Sent: vrijdag 8 mei 2009 17:35
To: otrs@otrs.org
Subject: [otrs] OTRS 2.3.2 - FAQ Registration Help


Please forgive the accidently sent posting - here is the entire thing:


I am running 2.3.2 on W2K3 / IIS6 / MSSQL 2005.

Have everything running nicely except for the FAQ module. Have installed
it through the PackageManager, but there is no icon or link anywhere
that I can find to navigate to the FAQ or actually start creating FAQ

Also, if I manually go to the hook -
http://respighi/otrs/index.pl?Action=FAQ - I receive this error:


Error: Module Kernel::Modules::FAQ not registered in Kernel/Config.pm! 


Please contact your admin

Bug Report:

Top of Form


Bottom of Form


ERROR: OTRS-CGI-01 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: MSWin32 Time: Fri May  8 10:32:04

Message: Module Kernel::Modules::FAQ not registered in Kernel/Config.pm!

Traceback (3824): 
   Module: Kernel::System::Web::InterfaceAgent::Run (v1.34) Line: 689
   Module: C:\OTRS\otrs\bin\cgi-bin\index.pl (v1.87) Line: 47



Have looked through mailing list archives and documentation but
unsuccessful so far in find documentation to resolve this error.


Thank you,


Nathan Campbell 
Systems Administrator
Dallas Symphony Orchestra 

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