Hi Mario,

I had the same question to the OTRS guys some days ago.
The answer was, there will be a FAQ module with the release of OTRS version 
2.4.1 which is planned for mid of June.

I also tried to install it and the only chance to come around this is to use a 
CVS version and build the module by hand (with the new framework 2.4 
dependency). I did not finish this yet, but this is the way how I’m trying it 
the next days when I can spend my time on this again.


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From: otrs-boun...@otrs.org [mailto:otrs-boun...@otrs.org] On Behalf Of 
Marchesi Mario
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 1:04 PM
To: otrs@otrs.org
Subject: [otrs] FAQ module 1.5.4

Dear all,

I’m using OTRS 2.4.0 Beta3, when I try to load FAQ 1.5.4 package  Package 
Manager fails with the following error

Message: Sorry, can't install/upgrade package, because the framework version 
required by the package (2.3.x;) does not match your Framework (2.4.0 beta3)!

Please  someone can tell me if FAQ module is supported on OTRS 2.4.0 ?

Thank you in advace for your help


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