You might be on a steep learning curve here so I'm gonna give you a quick
run down on some stuff which might help you on your way into linux. Forgive
me if I've misinterpreted your linux/unix ability but you seem to be very
new to this.

SSH is a connection method, it stands for Secure SHell.
To connect to a server using ssh it first has to be able to accept ssh
First thing to do is open the command line on your linux server that OTRS is
on (I assume you have a keyboard and monitor directly connected). Run this
command to see if the ssh daemon is running;

ps -ef | grep sshd

If you only get one line back you've probably just found your own search for
sshd. You should get 2 lines back. One for "grep sshd" and one for "sshd".
A daemon is a service that runs in the background waiting for things to
happen that it can respond to. The ssh daemon is what waits for ssh
connections and its called sshd.
I'll explain the command above as it might help you in future to know this

"ps -ef" lists all the processes running on your server. Its a big list so
we usually want to search through it for the specific process we're
interested in. "ps" is the program and "-ef" are options

"grep sshd" searches for the string sshd. Grep is a pattern matching program
which can search through files and input data for a paticular string of
text. In this case we're using the output of the ps program as the input for
the grep program.

Which brings us to the pipe symbol.
The pipe symbol "|" is used to take the output of one program and use it as
input in another program. You take the output from the command on the left
of the symbol and use that as the input for the command on the right of the
symbol. (On my keyboard the pipe is down by the "z" key but its sometimes up
by the number 1 key or over by the return key).

These 3 things, ps, grep and pipe, are individually and collectively some of
the most used commands in a unix system. Other useful commands are;

more - This displays a file one screen at a time, space for another screen
full, q to quit.
cat - displays a fail all at once
head - the first 10 lines of a file
tail - the last 10 lines of a file (good for checking last entries ina log
file for example)
vim - a mode based text editor. You are either in insert mode or not. In
insert mode you can edit the file, if you're not in insert mode you can
search through it for particular pieces of text. Press i to enter insert
mode, press Esc to exit insert mode.
man - a program for displaying the manual of a program. Typing in "man more"
will tell you how to use the more program.

That should get you on your feet as far as working with basic text files in
a unix system.

Good luck!

Support my 365 Challenge in aid of the Irish Cancer Society

2009/8/17 Lars Monsees <>

> > Is SSH the only way of making changes to the
> > Kernel/Config/Files/ file? Or are there other connection
> > methods I can try?
> SSH should be the best way, but I guess you will need to learn a little bit
> about Linux systems.
> Editing with vim is not that easy for a beginner, so check the man pages =)
> As Michiel wrote, you should ask further questions that are not OTRS
> related in a Linux forum.
> Lars
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