
I am not able to intergrate my current AD to the otrs system. The system log 
shows this message:
Tue Nov 24 17:03:25 2009             error      OTRS-CGI-10      First bind 
failed! 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C090334, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, 
data 525, vece�

This is my config.pm the portion that is above “End of own config”. Can anyone 
help me with this? Thanks.

#Start of LDAP
#Enable LDAP authentication for Customers / Users
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::LDAP';
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::Host'} = '';
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'ou=Users,dc=abc,dc=com';
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UID'} = 'sAMAccountName';

#The following is valid but would only be necessary if the
#anonymous user do NOT have permission to read from the LDAP tree
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserDN'} = 'otrs';
  $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::SearchUserPw'} = 'password';

#(customer user database backend and settings)
    $Self->{CustomerUser} = {
      Module => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::LDAP',
      Params => {
      Host => '',
      BaseDN => 'OU=Users,DC=abc,DC=com',
      SSCOPE => 'sub',
      UserDN =>'CN=otrs,OU=Users,DC=abc,DC=com',
      UserPw => 'password',
# customer unique id
    CustomerKey => 'sAMAccountName',
    # customer #
    CustomerID => 'mail',
    CustomerUserListFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
    CustomerUserSearchFields => ['sAMAccountName', 'cn', 'mail'],
    CustomerUserSearchPrefix => '',
    CustomerUserSearchSuffix => '*',
    CustomerUserSearchListLimit => 250,
    CustomerUserPostMasterSearchFields => ['mail'],
    CustomerUserNameFields => ['givenname', 'sn'],
    Map => [
      # note: Login, Email and CustomerID needed!
      # var, frontend, storage, shown, required, storage-type
      #[ 'UserSalutation', 'Title', 'title', 1, 0, 'var' ],
      [ 'UserFirstname', 'Firstname', 'givenname', 1, 1, 'var' ],
      [ 'UserLastname', 'Lastname', 'sn', 1, 1, 'var' ],
      [ 'UserLogin', 'Login', 'sAMAccountName', 1, 1, 'var' ],
      [ 'UserEmail', 'Email', 'mail', 1, 1, 'var' ],
      [ 'UserCustomerID', 'CustomerID', 'mail', 0, 1, 'var' ],
      [ 'UserPhone', 'Phone', 'telephonenumber', 1, 0, 'var' ],
      #[ 'UserAddress', 'Address', 'postaladdress', 1, 0, 'var' ],
      #[ 'UserComment', 'Comment', 'description', 1, 0, 'var' ],

#Add the following lines when only users are allowed to login if they reside in 
the spicified security group
#Remove these lines if you want to provide login to all users specified in the 
User Base DN
#example: $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::BaseDN'} = 'ou=BaseOU, 
dc=example, dc=com';
 # $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::GroupDN'} = 
 # $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::AccessAttr'} = 'member';
 # $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule::LDAP::UserAttr'} = 'DN'

#End of LDAP


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