
The warning while creating the indexes is not going to affect you, you
can read here why:

for the front-end performance; it's not possible to run reliable
apache/mod_perl on Windows with StrawberryPerl. You can either set up
ActiveState Perl with mod_perl and Apache, or set up ActiveState Perl
with IIS; a howto is here:

We have just released an alpha version of the installer internally
that runs FastCGI/StrawberryPerl/Apache on Windows. So far the results
are promising, and we're planning to release a beta soon.

Michiel Beijen

Norsk-Data-Str 1.
61352 Bad Homburg

T: +31 (0) 6457 42418
F: +49 (0) 9421 56818-18
I:  http://www.otrs.com/

Business Location: Bad Homburg, Country Court: Bad Homburg, Commercial
register: 10751, Tax ID: 003 240
97505 Chairman of the Board: Burchard Steinbild, Managing Board: André
Mindermann (CEO), Martin Edenhofer

CU@ CeBIT 2010 in Hannover (Germany) and get to know more about OTRS
at booth no. C37, in hall 2 from March 2-6, 2010! http://bit.ly/7uyQfY

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 9:29 PM, Dave Lageweg <dave.lage...@tel.io> wrote:
> Hi Michiel,
> Thanks for you time to answer my questions!
> OTRS on Windows was really straight forward and installation was really
> easy.
> After running the SQL scripts on the SQL Server i ran into two small
> problems (unfortunately the SQL server has a german language and therefore
> the german error messages):
> "Warnung: Die maximale Schlüssellänge beträgt 900 Bytes. Der
> 'article_message_id'-Index hat eine maximale Länge von 3800 Bytes. Bei
> einigen Kombinationen hoher Werte schlägt der INSERT-/UPDATE-Vorgang fehl.
> Warnung: Die maximale Schlüssellänge beträgt 900 Bytes. Der
> 'article_search_message_id'-Index hat eine maximale Länge von 3800 Bytes.
> Bei einigen Kombinationen hoher Werte schlägt der INSERT-/UPDATE-Vorgang
> fehl."
> A employee in my company who is located in Hamburg has made a small
> workaround for this "problem" just to make sure that the server will run
> reliable (if you want to know what he did i can ask it to him and post it
> here).
> The reason that i switched to Linux is the performance problems on windows.
> It was really acting really slow and i could not accept the current
> situation.
> On Ubuntu last week it was working fine. The server was reaction quickly and
> also all pages were working fine. After i tried a install of a specific
> package i run into this error. The rest looks fins an reacts quickly.
> I use FreeTDS as ODBC connection and will check if this is indeed a ODBC
> which involves to act as a sybase client (have not yet checked this).
> I'll check my DB for this XML messages and will post back my experience
> here...
> Best regards,
> Dave
> On 24 nov 2009, at 20:58, Michiel Beijen wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> So you have a Ubuntu machine pointing at Microsoft SQL Server? That is
> always tricky. Do you use one of the commercial Unix ODBC solutions,
> for instance Easysoft's driver?
> Some ODBC solutions involve acting as a Sybase client, which works
> sometimes because Sybase and Microsoft SQL server have a shared code
> base - but that is more than 12 years ago. So this might lead to
> trouble on modern MS-SQL databases.
> OTRS stores add-on packages as XML in the database. It **looks** like
> that XML is not completely stored, or maybe isn't completely
> transfered over to your OTRS system. You can try and take a look with
> a query analyzer if the XML is in tact in the database.
> My suggestion is that if you'd like to go the way of Linux with an
> Microsoft SQL Server database, that you'd also invest in a proper ODBC
> driver, and maybe work with Easysoft - or whatever vendor - support to
> floss out any issues.
> And of course Linux with PostgreSQL or MySQL as the database works fine...
> May I ask what kind of issues you ran into with OTRS on Windows? It is
> really straight forward to configure access to MS-SQL server from a
> Windows based web server.
> ((enjoy))
> -
> Michiel Beijen
> R&D
> Norsk-Data-Str 1.
> 61352 Bad Homburg
> Germany
> T: +31 (0) 6457 42418
> F: +49 (0) 9421 56818-18
> I:  http://www.otrs.com/
> Business Location: Bad Homburg, Country Court: Bad Homburg, Commercial
> register: 10751, Tax ID: 003 240
> 97505 Chairman of the Board: Burchard Steinbild, Managing Board: André
> Mindermann (CEO), Martin Edenhofer
> CU@ CeBIT 2010 in Hannover (Germany) and get to know more about OTRS
> at booth no. C37, in hall 2 from March 2-6, 2010! http://bit.ly/7uyQfY
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Dave Lageweg <dave.lage...@tel.io> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Because I had problems on my windows installation i installed a clean Ubuntu
> server and installed all modules and OTRS 2.4.5 on it.
> My OTRS is pointing to a MSSQL database and everything looked fine last
> week. Package Manager under admin was working but it did not showed me the
> ITSM modules unfortunately.
> I know i tried a install of package but can't remember now which one (i had
> to help a customer the rest of the week and could not go further...).
> When i now go to admin and then to package manager i get the following
> software error:
> Software error: not properly closed tag 'File'
> Does anybody have any idea how to solve this?
> Thanks in advance!
> Best,
> Dave
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