
Excuse my English.

I'm looking for some ticket features and I don't know if OTRS has some of that.

1. future tickets, I mean, an ticket that you know only can be solved in a certain future and probably will be another guy who will treat that. So, the ticket has to be scheduled in some way.

2. a place where the tech people could put comments about the ticket (like a blog, regarding the ticket), in other words, I have a ticket and I've tried X actions that was useless, so the tech guy should be write down all he tried, so that way a level 2 tech can know everything that was happened and at what time.

3. an descriptive area pointed to an specific Configuration Item, I mean, if there's something wrong with a server, it would a good idea track all the problems that already happened with that server and all comments that tech people have done.

So, I know I can search and read all the OTRS features trying to find those two or three, but I wasn't found anything more directly.

Thanks for any help and sorry if it's too stupid questions.


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