
Next state shown depends on the state machine (/otrs/
index.pl?Action=AdminITSMStateMachine). There is one for changes and one for
workorders and you must respect both, that's the way the workflow keeps its

Of course you can change it, make it as simple or as complex as your
Organization wants

Leonardo Certuche

On 1 July 2010 03:14, Sebastien Bory <s...@groupenci.com> wrote:

> Dear lists,
> I try to work with change management and Work orders, i understand to
> change the status off Change is due by condition and work Order,
> But when I create a WO,  the CAB or the WO agent open it (click on Report)
> and they just have 3 state (Accepted, Ready Or Cancel)  why I can’t see the
> other state (in progress, fermé, …..)?
> Thanks
> * *
> *Sébastien  Bory
> *Administrateur réseaux
> *NCI-les centres d'affaires*
> *Bienvenue chez vous - Just welcome !*
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> Web: www.groupenci.com
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