Title: signature julian futurlink generic
Dear all,

I think I got it myself, I had my head to stuck up in the notification area that I forgot the Auto respones.

Thanks anyway!!


On 16/08/2010 12:20, Julian Junge wrote:
Hi all,

I need somebody that points me into the right direction. I have set-up a customer notification for Pending Auto Close + and -, basically saying that the incident will be closed in 24h if nobody opposes. Works perfect, though some people tend to ignore these messages and respond to the notification even after it is closed.

What I'd like to have would be one of the 2 following.

option a.) When a mail is send to a closed ticket, the mail bounces, and the sender receives a notification that his case is closed and he please removes the ticket number from the subject and sends that mail again.

option b.) The mail does not bounce but  a new case is created and OTRS replaces the ticket number in the subject.

Thank you for any assistance!!!
  • Julian

signature julian futurlink generic


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