Dear Peter,

that is an interesting one!
When searching the internet it is mostly redirecting to you email :-)

Just a first try, do you use SSL and if so, can you retry without?
And can you post your SOAP script?

Cheers, Nils

Nils Leideck
Senior Consultant / a Fractal project

On 20.01.2011, at 12:34, Peter Eckel wrote:

> Hi, 
> I have a very annoying problem with OTRS and the SOAP::Lite interface. 
> I have an instance of OTRS running which I used SOAP to connect to, 
> everything works just fine. The base operating system is CentOS 5.5, OTRS 
> version is 3.0.5 and SOAP::Lite is installed in version 0.710.10 (since 7.12 
> is not supported according 
> I use SOAP::Lite (same version) on a monitoring system to create and retrieve 
> tickets from OTRS. As said before, this all runs perfectly well. 
> Now I set up another system from scratch for a demo. Same OS version, latest 
> patches, same SOAP::Lite version, same OTRS version ... all relevant parts 
> seem to be identical. With one exception: Accessing OTRS via SOAP does not 
> work at all. On the client side, I just get a '500 internal server error', on 
> the server side there is exactly nothing in the error_log of httpd, nothing 
> in OTRS's system log, and just the following in the Apache access log:
> - - [20/Jan/2011:11:44:07 +0100] "POST /otrs/ HTTP/1.1" 
> 500 638 "-" "SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.710.10"
> - - [20/Jan/2011:11:45:30 +0100] "POST /otrs/ HTTP/1.1" 
> 500 638 "-" "SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.710.10"
> - - [20/Jan/2011:11:45:32 +0100] "POST /otrs/ HTTP/1.1" 
> 500 638 "-" "SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.710.10"
> - - [20/Jan/2011:11:47:21 +0100] "POST /otrs/ HTTP/1.1" 
> 500 638 "-" "SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.710.10"
> - - [20/Jan/2011:11:51:13 +0100] "POST /otrs/ HTTP/1.1" 
> 500 638 "-" "SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.710.10"
> - - [20/Jan/2011:11:51:21 +0100] "POST /otrs/ HTTP/1.1" 
> 500 638 "-" "SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.710.10"
> - - [20/Jan/2011:11:51:22 +0100] "POST /otrs/ HTTP/1.1" 
> 500 638 "-" "SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.710.10"
> - - [20/Jan/2011:11:51:22 +0100] "POST /otrs/ HTTP/1.1" 
> 500 638 "-" "SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.710.10"
> - - [20/Jan/2011:12:08:41 +0100] "POST /otrs/ HTTP/1.1" 
> 500 638 "-" "SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.710.10"
> - - [20/Jan/2011:12:08:52 +0100] "POST /otrs/ HTTP/1.1" 
> 500 638 "-" "SOAP::Lite/Perl/0.710.10"
> ... which is not very enlightening. I restarted the httpd, rebooted the 
> server - nothing changes. 
> One difference: OTRS has been set up without mail access on the demo system, 
> since there is no mail server in the demo environment. Tickets are only 
> opened by the monitoring system, never by mail, and there also should be no 
> notifications. 
> Has anyone seen that before? Apart from that, OTRS runs fine. 
> The output of
> [root@neos-otrs1 bin]# ./ 
>  o CGI............................ok (v3.50)
>  o Crypt::PasswdMD5...............ok (v1.3)
>  o CSS::Minifier..................ok (v0.01)
>  o Date::Format...................ok (v2.22)
>  o Date::Pcalc....................ok (v1.2)
>  o DBI............................ok (v1.52)
>  o DBD::mysql.....................ok (v3.0007)
>  o Digest::MD5....................ok (v2.36)
>  o Digest::SHA::PurePerl..........ok (v5.48)
>  o Encode::HanExtra...............Not installed! (Optional - Required to 
> handle mails with several Chinese character sets.)
>  o GD.............................Not installed! (Optional - Required for 
> stats)
>     o GD::Text....................Not installed! (Optional - Required for 
> stats.)
>     o GD::Graph...................Not installed! (Optional - Required for 
> stats.)
>     o GD::Graph::lines............Not installed! (Optional - Required for 
> stats.)
>     o GD::Text::Align.............Not installed! (Optional - Required for 
> stats.)
>  o IO::Scalar.....................ok (v2.110)
>  o IO::Wrap.......................ok (v2.110)
>  o JavaScript::Minifier...........ok (v1.05)
>  o JSON...........................ok (v2.50)
>     o JSON::PP....................ok (v2.27103)
>     o JSON::XS....................Not installed! (Optional - Install it for 
> faster AJAX/JavaScript handling.)
>  o LWP::UserAgent.................ok (v2.033)
>  o Mail::Internet.................ok (v2.07)
>  o Mail::POP3Client...............ok (v2.18 )
>     o IO::Socket::SSL.............ok (v1.01)
>  o MIME::Base64...................ok (v3.07)
>  o MIME::Tools....................ok (v5.428)
>  o ModPerl::Util..................ok (v2.000004)
>     o Apache::DBI.................Not installed! (Optional - Improves 
> performance on Apache webservers with mod_perl by establishing persistent 
> database connections.)
>     o Apache2::Reload.............ok (v0.11)
>  o Net::DNS.......................ok (v0.59)
>  o Net::POP3......................ok (v2.29)
>  o Net::IMAP::Simple..............ok (v1.2017)
>     o Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL......ok (v1.3)
>  o Net::SMTP......................ok (v2.31)
>     o Authen::SASL................ok (v2.15)
>     o Net::SMTP::SSL..............ok (v1.01)
>     o Net::SMTP::TLS::ButMaintainedok (v0.13_01)
>  o Net::LDAP......................Not installed! (Optional - Required for 
> directory authentication.)
>  o PDF::API2......................Not installed! (Optional - Required for PDF 
> output.)
>     o Compress::Zlib..............ok (v2.033)
>  o SOAP::Lite.....................ok (v0.710.10)
>  o Text::CSV......................ok (v1.21)
>     o Text::CSV_PP................ok (v1.29)
>     o Text::CSV_XS................Not installed! (Optional - Optional, 
> install it for faster CSV handling.)
>  o XML::Parser....................ok (v2.34)
> What did I miss? Is there any way to increase the verbosity of the system 
> log? 
> Cheers, 
> Peter.
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