
Well, after managing to fix the broken upgrade problem I had, now I'm back at 
the basic error that made me look at the upgrade...but that wasn't fixed by 
fixing otrs :) 

Here's the thing...I can't change ticket owners with the iphone app...when I 
try to select an owner in the move-ticket screen, I get: 

There are no options available for this field. 
Please contact your administrator for assistance. 

Unfortunately, the administrator is me :) 

I activated the debugging logs for the iphone plugin thing in otrs, and I see 
two lines whenever I try to select a new owner in the iphone app: 

[2011-02-22 12:19:48][Debug] [Inbound] 
[2011-02-22 12:19:48][Debug] [Outbound] 
[{"Result":"successful","Data":[{"3":"*******************","2":"Garza Luis 

(substituted ***** for the name of the two agents that show up in that line). 

So...the log by itself tells me it should work...but the app says no :( 

Any help would be greatly appreciated...the iphone app has become the main 
ticket manipulation tool for most of the agents here (we tend to not be at the 
office much)...I'm facing a revolt here! :) 

Thanks in advance 


Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) #805008141632764 
Red Hat Certified Instructor (RHCI) 

Think of the Linux community as a niche economy isolated by its beliefs. Kind 
of like the Amish, except that our religion requires us to use _higher_ 
technology than everyone else. -- Donald B. Marti Jr. 

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