Dear Nils

I follow asap your suggests about set ITSM List, and of course I appreciated
your technical suggestion on the item (my obligations) [?].

I hope to give a real contribution, in the near future, to the community.



2011/3/2 Nils Leideck <>

> Dear Stefano,
> first of all, you should consider to subscribe to the ITSM mailing list ;-)
> where are definitively people using ITSM modules.
> ITSM lists:
> OTRS::ITSM User questions and discussions =>
> OTRS::ITSM announcement mailinglist =>
> On 02.03.2011, at 10:28, Stefano Boccanera wrote:
> > I'm testing OTRS ITSM Change Mangement to implement a change management
> solution at a italian customer site.
> Nice, welcome ;-)
> > Now, after some testing creating change requests, workorders and so on, I
> would to clear the configuration without 'dropping' the database and
> re-create it from scratch. The problem is around the lack of 'Delete'
> function for Change Request items.
> > I discovered into the bin directory a module and I'm
> wondering if I can use it as a Generic Agent operation. I'm a newbie with
> perl language and I have some difficult to read the code and understand how
> to use it ( what parameter, etc.).
> >
> > Has anyone used that procedure or know some details how to use it?
> ===> B A S I C S:
> In most cases you can just execute our perl files and attach a —help
> (hyphen hyphen help) to get help on how to use the script.
> E.g.
> /usr/bin/perl /opt/otrs/bin/ —help
> This actually tells you how to use the script:
> <Revision 1.3> - delete changes (all or by
> number).
> Copyright (C) 2001-2011 OTRS AG,
> Usage: /opt/otrs30itsm/bin/ [options]
>  Options are as follows:
>  --help                         display this option help
>  --all                          delete all changes
>  --ChangeNumber no1 no2 no3     delete listed changes
> ===> D E T A I L S:
> You can see that the script does understand 3 options.
> 1. The help command itself
> 2. all, to just delete ALL Changes (be careful ;-)
> 3. dedicated Change numbers
> Only the 3rd option requires some additional input. If you just want to
> delete specific Changes, which I would recommend, your command should look
> similar to this one:
> E.g. Delete Change 2011012710000015 and 2011012710000016
> /usr/bin/perl /opt/otrs/bin/ —ChangeNumber
> 2011012710000015 2011012710000016
> ===> G O O D I E S:
> If you want to delete only Changes in a certain state or with a specific
> attribute, you need to get these details first by executing a SQL command
> within a shell script for example, and then attach the resulting Change
> numbers to the script. You probably will execute the script then in a
> for-loop to make sure it does not delete more then 200 Changes in a go ...
> or whatever kind of failure protection ...
> SQL example to find all Changes in a retracted status:
> 1. find the “retracted” status id
> SELECT id FROM general_catalog WHERE general_catalog_class =
> "ITSM::ChangeManagement::Change::State” AND name = "retracted";
> 2. find the relevant Changes
> SELECT change_number FROM change_item WHERE change_state_id = 133;
> ===! 133 is the retracted state id in my database
> Hope that helps ...
> Cheers, Nils
> —
> Nils Leideck
> / a Fractal project
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*Stefano Boccanera*


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