To my knowledge and having asked this same question myself... no there isn't an 
umerge function. :-(

I have sucessfully gone into the the database and performed a manual unmerge or 
remerge to be more exact.  If you are SQL capable it isn't too difficult.

LQ Marshall III
(M) 919.796.3943
----- Original Message -----
From:Anant Jain <>
To:"User questions and discussions about OTRS." <>
Sent:7/4/2011 2:39
Subject:[otrs] Unmerging Tickets

A couple of times, I've merged tickets to the wrong parent ticket. Is
there anyway to unmerge those tickets?
Split is not very useful as it does not "cleave" the ticket but simply
creates a new ticket with the old articles still remaining.
The link delete option only deletes the link but does not perform an
unmerge (so the linked tickets table at the bottom also disappears)

Is there any option to achieve what I'm trying?



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