Hi Hugh

Hugh Kelley wrote:
> Has anyone implemented this for both agents and customers?
Yes. See attached. Based on OTRS::ITSM 1.3.1 (Yeah its a bit old. Sue me)**

These patches are based off <http://developer.aaiedu.hr/faq/11.html>
which uses simplesamlphp

1) Config.patch
make sure these are setup for your site


    # AgentUser authentication
    $Self->{'AuthModule'} = 'Kernel::System::Auth::shibdAgentAuth';
    # Shibboleth agent authentication module
    $Self->{'LoginURL'} =
    # Shibboleth SP logout URL
    $Self->{'LogoutURL'} =

    # CustomerUser authentication
    $Self->{'Customer::AuthModule'} =
    # Shibboleth customer authentication module
    $Self->{'CustomerPanelLoginURL'} =
    $Self->{'CustomerPanelPlainLoginURL'} =
    # Shibboleth SP logout URL
    $Self->{'CustomerPanelLogoutURL'} =

2) InterfaceAgent.pm.patch
This patch allows a customer to log into OTRS using the agent interface.
If you
are not an agent you will be redirected to the customer interface

3)shibdAgentAuth.patch, shibdCustomerAuth.patch, shibdCustomerData.patch

4) I use pretty normal shibb auth.
        <Location /otrs>
         AuthType shibboleth
        require shibboleth
         #ShibUseHeaders On #use environment varaibles.
        ShibRequireSession Off
        #ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/customer.pl
            ErrorDocument 403 /otrs/index.pl
            SetHandler  perl-script
            PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
            Options +ExecCGI
            PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
            PerlOptions +SetupEnv
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all

> Does this solution support the auto time zone detection?

Didn't know there was a OTRS auto time zone detection thingy.

> Does it work with the JSON interface (AKA iPhone module)?

Never had an iphone so I can't comment.

Dr. Rodney G. McDuff                 |Ex ignorantia ad sapientiam
Manager, Strategic Technologies Group|    Ex luce ad tenebras
Information Technology Services      |
The University of Queensland         |
EMAIL: mcd...@its.uq.edu.au          |
TELEPHONE: +61 7 334 66898           |

Attachment: shib-patches.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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