Sorry for not providing full information,

It's a centOs 5.6 with mysql + apache + mod_perl

I've tried most of what you said, all issues in support module were solved,
mysql tables were optimizeds, my postfix is in the local machine, I will
check DNS resolution time

but I'll try this script and the as you mentioned before

Thanks for the all the help

2011/8/26 Rory <>

> That's a great little optimisation script.
> I hope you don't mind that I made some changes to it.
> I've added code to ask the user for the DB username and password rather
> than include them in the command line. I don't want my passwords to be
> readable in plain text just by looking at the shell history. Also the
> password is not echoed to the terminal in this version. If either username
> or password is blank the script exits.
> I added the database to the mysql command where appropriate to reduce the
> number of commands run once the mysql client was started as an optimization.
> This probably makes no difference.
> I also added in a success or failed keyword depending on whether or not the
> term "ERROR" is returned from the OPTIMIZE TABLE mysql command which then
> displays the Error returned.
> #############################
> #!/bin/bash
> echo "Enter DB User: "
> read user
> echo "Enter DB Password: "
> read -s pass
> if [ -z "${user}" ];
> then
>         echo "Username is blank. Exiting script"
>         exit
> elif [ -z "${pass}" ];
> then
>         echo "Password is blank. Exiting script"
>         exit
> fi
> for db in $(echo "SHOW DATABASES;" | mysql -u$user --password=$pass | grep
> -v -e "Database" -e "information_schema")
> do
>         echo "Switching to database $db"
>         TABLES=$(echo "SHOW TABLES;" | mysql -D$db -u$user --password=$pass
> |  grep -v Tables_in_)
>         for table in $TABLES
>         do
>                 echo -n " * Optimizing table $table ... "
>                 result=$(echo "OPTIMIZE TABLE $table" | mysql -D$db -u$user
> --password=$pass 2>&1)
>                 if [[ $result == *ERROR* ]]
>                 then
>                         echo "FAILED"
>                         echo ".... $result"
>                 else
>                         echo "Success"
>                 fi
>         done
> done
> #############################
> Rory
>   On 26 August 2011 10:39, Rudolf Bargholz <>wrote:
>>    Hi,****
>> ** **
>> You do not mention if you use MySQL. For our setup it was not apache that
>> was the bottleneck, rather MySQL. There were a few things we did to speed up
>> OTRS dramatically:****
>> ** **
>> **1)      **Follow through all the steps mentioned in the OTRS support
>> module****
>> **2)      **Restart all services (MySQL, Apache and OTRS)****
>> **3)      **Next optimize all tables in your MySQL database:****
>> ** **
>> We have a script “optimizetable” with the following contents:****
>> ** **
>> #!/bin/bash****
>> for db in $(echo "SHOW DATABASES;" | mysql -u$1 --password=$2 | grep -v -e
>> "Database" -e "information_schema")****
>> do****
>>         TABLES=$(echo "USE $db; SHOW TABLES;" | mysql -u$1 --password=$2
>> |  grep -v Tables_in_)****
>>         echo "Switching to database $db"****
>>         for table in $TABLES****
>>         do****
>>                 echo -n " * Optimizing table $table ... "****
>>                 echo "USE $db; OPTIMIZE TABLE $table" | mysql -u$1
>> --password=$2 >/dev/null****
>>                 echo "done."****
>>         done****
>> done****
>> ** **
>> This is called using the following call:****
>> cd /root/Desktop****
>> ./optimizetable root EnterPasswordHere****
>> ** **
>> ** **
>> **4)      **Another useful tool I found was “”:
>> . Google for the name, and download
>> the perl script to your OTRS MySQL server. In essence it reads the log files
>> of MySQL and makes recommendations how to improve the performance of MySQL.
>> Your MySQL needs to be running quite some time in production for the
>> recommendations to be accurate. We normally run the script, make appropriate
>> modifications to the MySQL config, restart MySQL, reorganize all tables,
>> then restart all services (OTRS, Apache, MySQL) and then let the server run
>> in production for one or two weeks. Then we follow the same steps as above.
>> After two weeks in normal production you have enough info in the log for the
>> tool to make decent recommendations.****
>> ** **
>> The perl script is called using:****
>> ** **
>> cd /root/Desktop****
>> perl --user root --pass EnterPasswordHere****
>> ** **
>> The above steps dramatically improved the performance of OTRS.****
>> ** **
>> Hope this helps.****
>> ** **
>> Regards****
>> ** **
>> Rudolf Bargholz****
>> ** **
>> *Von:* [] *Im Auftrag
>> von *Wagner
>> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 25. August 2011 22:43
>> *An:* User questions and discussions about OTRS.
>> *Betreff:* [otrs] Otrs with lighttpd + fastcgi****
>> ** **
>> Hello,
>> has anyone tried using lighttpd + fascgi instead of apache + mod_perl?
>> My otrs is very slow, so I was wondering if this could help
>> Thanks****
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