Thanks, James!  I'll give that a shot.

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 12:03 PM, James Roman <> wrote:

> **
> I saw this error as well when I deployed. The problem is with the 
> Compress::Zlib
> package. I had multiple, conflicting copies of the package installed. I
> think one came from the Centos Base, and the other from CPAN. I stuck
> with the base RPM package (installed in
> /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Compress/
> and removed the CPAN module.
> On 11/03/2011 11:49 AM, Robert Butler wrote:
> Hello,
>   I'm seeing the following error when I run from the
> command line:
> *Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./
> line 402.*
> Line 402 of otrs.CheckModules is:
> *print "ok (v$Version)\n";*
> My system:
>    - OTRS 3.0.11
>    - OS CentOS 5.6
> Here's the full output of
>    o CGI............................ok (v3.50)
>    o Crypt::PasswdMD5...............ok (v1.3)
>    o CSS::Minifier..................ok (v0.01)
>    o Date::Format...................ok (v2.22)
>    o Date::Pcalc....................ok (v1.2)
>    o DBI............................ok (v1.616)
>    o DBD::mysql.....................ok (v4.018)
>    o Digest::MD5....................ok (v2.36)
>    o Digest::SHA::PurePerl..........ok (v5.48)
>    o Encode::HanExtra...............Not installed! (Optional - Required to
> handle mails with several Chinese character sets.)
>    o GD.............................ok (v2.45)
>       o GD::Text....................ok (v0.86)
>       o GD::Graph...................ok (v1.44)
>       o GD::Graph::lines............ok (v1.15)
>       o GD::Text::Align.............ok (v1.18)
>    o IO::Scalar.....................ok (v2.110)
>    o IO::Wrap.......................ok (v2.110)
>    o JavaScript::Minifier...........ok (v1.05)
>    o JSON...........................ok (v2.50)
>       o JSON::PP....................ok (v2.27103)
>       o JSON::XS....................ok (v2.3)
>    o LWP::UserAgent.................ok (v2.033)
>    o Mail::Internet.................ok (v2.07)
>    o Mail::POP3Client...............ok (v2.18 )
>       o IO::Socket::SSL.............Not installed! (Optional - Required
> for POP3 SSL connections.)
>    o MIME::Base64...................ok (v3.07)
>    o MIME::Tools....................ok (v5.428)
>    o ModPerl::Util..................ok (v2.000004)
>       o Apache::DBI.................ok (v1.09)
>       o Apache2::Reload.............ok (v0.11)
>    o Net::DNS.......................ok (v0.59)
>    o Net::POP3......................ok (v2.28)
>    o Net::IMAP::Simple..............ok (v1.2017)
>       o Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL......ok (v1.3)
>    o Net::SMTP......................ok (v2.29)
>       o Authen::SASL................ok (v2.15)
>       o Net::SMTP::SSL..............ok (v1.01)
>       o Net::SMTP::TLS::ButMaintainedNot installed! (Optional - Required
> for TLS/SMTP connections.)
>    o Net::LDAP......................ok (v0.33)
>    o PDF::API2......................ok (v0.73)
> *Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./
> line 402.*
>       o Compress::Zlib..............ok (v)
>    o SOAP::Lite.....................Not installed! (Optional - Required
> for the SOAP interface.)
>    o Text::CSV......................ok (v1.21)
>       o Text::CSV_PP................ok (v1.29)
>       o Text::CSV_XS................ok (v0.81)
>    o XML::Parser....................ok (v2.34)
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A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher
a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts,
build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders,
cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure,
program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.

-Robert A Heinlein
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