Hello, I'm trying to migrate our server 3.0.10 to 3.1.2 but it doesn't work.
In the first stage running the sql script DBUpdate-to-3.1.mysql.sql  we
receive a duplicate entry error, attached you will find the message.
In the seccond stage running the perl script DBUpdate-to-3.1.pl the first 5
steps run with out any problem but at the begining of step 6 an error
Could you please hel us with this issue ?   Thanks in advance
- cat scripts/DBUpdate-to-3.1.mysql.sql | mysql -p -f -u root otrs
[root@otrs otrs]# cat scripts/DBUpdate-to-3.1.mysql.sql | mysql -p -f -u
root otrs
Enter password:
ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 187: Duplicate entry '320742-Seen-105' for key 1

- scripts/DBUpdate-to-3.1.pl
  Migrated ticket 105000 of 105434 (with Free fields data).
   Migrated ticket 105100 of 105434 (with Free fields data).
   Migrated ticket 105200 of 105434 (with Free fields data).
   Migrated ticket 105300 of 105434 (with Free fields data).
   Migrated ticket 105400 of 105434 (with Free fields data).
 Migrated 105434 tickets of 105434 (with Free fields data).

Step 6 of 23: Migrate article free fields to dynamic fields...
DBD::mysql::db do failed: MySQL server has gone away at
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 478.
ERROR: OTRS-DBUpdate-to-3.1-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: linux Time: Wed Mar 21
10:27:32 2012
 Message: MySQL server has gone away, SQL: 'SELECT freekey1, freetext1,
freetime1 FROM ticket'
 Traceback (2760):
   Module: main::_IsFreefieldsMigrationAlreadyDone (v1.74) Line: 407
   Module: scripts/DBUpdate-to-3.1.pl (v1.74) Line: 109
DBD::mysql::db do failed: MySQL server has gone away at
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 478.
ERROR: OTRS-DBUpdate-to-3.1-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: linux Time: Wed Mar 21
10:27:32 2012
 Message: MySQL server has gone away, SQL: 'SELECT a_freekey1, a_freetext1
FROM article'
 Traceback (2760):
   Module: main::_IsFreefieldsMigrationAlreadyDone (v1.74) Line: 412
   Module: scripts/DBUpdate-to-3.1.pl (v1.74) Line: 109
Free fields were deleted, migration is already done!
Step 7 of 23: Verify if ticket data was successfully migrated...
DBD::mysql::db do failed: MySQL server has gone away at
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 478.
ERROR: OTRS-DBUpdate-to-3.1-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: linux Time: Wed Mar 21
10:27:32 2012
 Message: MySQL server has gone away, SQL: 'SELECT freekey1, freetext1,
freetime1 FROM ticket'
 Traceback (2760):
   Module: main::_IsFreefieldsMigrationAlreadyDone (v1.74) Line: 407
   Module: scripts/DBUpdate-to-3.1.pl (v1.74) Line: 117
DBD::mysql::db do failed: MySQL server has gone away at
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 478.
ERROR: OTRS-DBUpdate-to-3.1-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: linux Time: Wed Mar 21
10:27:32 2012
 Message: MySQL server has gone away, SQL: 'SELECT a_freekey1, a_freetext1
FROM article'
 Traceback (2760):
   Module: main::_IsFreefieldsMigrationAlreadyDone (v1.74) Line: 412
   Module: scripts/DBUpdate-to-3.1.pl (v1.74) Line: 117
Free fields were deleted, migration is already done!
DBD::mysql::db do failed: MySQL server has gone away at
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 478.
ERROR: OTRS-DBUpdate-to-3.1-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: linux Time: Wed Mar 21
10:27:32 2012
 Message: MySQL server has gone away, SQL: 'SELECT freekey1, freetext1,
freetime1 FROM ticket'
 Traceback (2760):
   Module: main::_IsFreefieldsMigrationAlreadyDone (v1.74) Line: 407
   Module: scripts/DBUpdate-to-3.1.pl (v1.74) Line: 125
DBD::mysql::db do failed: MySQL server has gone away at
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 478.
ERROR: OTRS-DBUpdate-to-3.1-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: linux Time: Wed Mar 21
10:27:32 2012
 Message: MySQL server has gone away, SQL: 'SELECT a_freekey1, a_freetext1
FROM article'
 Traceback (2760):
   Module: main::_IsFreefieldsMigrationAlreadyDone (v1.74) Line: 412
   Module: scripts/DBUpdate-to-3.1.pl (v1.74) Line: 125
Step 8 of 23: Verify if article data was successfully migrated... Free
fields were deleted, migration is already done!
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at
/opt/otrs/Kernel/System/DB.pm line 618.
ERROR: OTRS-DBUpdate-to-3.1-10 Perl: 5.8.8 OS: linux Time: Wed Mar 21
10:27:32 2012
 Message: MySQL server has gone away, SQL: 'SELECT id, name, field_order
FROM dynamic_field ORDER BY field_order, id'
 Traceback (2760):
   Module: Kernel::System::DynamicField::DynamicFieldList (v1.50) Line: 713
   Module: main::_MigrateFreeFieldsConfiguration (v1.74) Line: 1085
   Module: scripts/DBUpdate-to-3.1.pl (v1.74) Line: 139
Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference at
scripts/DBUpdate-to-3.1.pl line 1090.
Step 9 of 23: Migrate free fields configuration...

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