Some fields can be disabled within SysConfig. See TicketPhone and/or
TicketEmail for those configuration (Agent and/or Customer). Any fields
Sysconfig doesn't address, you'll need to remove from the

Note you *must* have a few fields, including but not exclusively customer
email address, subject, body. Other fields *might* fill in as defaults, but
if you remove something required, expect to see errors in Syslog.

To start with a black (blank) ticket page, present your own custom HTML
form that submits to your otrs email address. You don't need OTRS's forms
to submit via email.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 1:47 AM, Rob Lange <> wrote:

>  I see all of the tickets are formed a certain way. I would like to
> create a ticket with the following fields and thats all.
> How do I start with a black ticket page.
> I know how to add Dynamic fields already.
> Rob
> Kind Regards,
> Rob Lange
> Business Solutions Manager
> Business Solutions Unit
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