My first suggested would have been the keep the status as pending, though
another option based upon your reflections on C) would make the customer
responses as new tickets, but somehow linked to the pending ticket. I'm not
sure there's a happy hybrid for your situation, as, one way or another,
you're going to either deal with interrupted pendings, missed tickets, or
extra management work.

However, A) is, more or less, the easiest of the options simply by
splitting the ticket and setting the reminder from the split ticket. Sure,
there's a hassle of double closure, but it isn't as tedious as you might

On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 8:15 PM, Scott <> wrote:

> Hi List,
> We use OTRS for our day-to-day communications with our customers and have
> done for a number of months now.
> My question is as follows;
> Our support staff set a pending reminder to configure/cancel/change/update
> a setting in any number of other systems on behalf of a customer at a set
> point in time. They use "Pending reminders" for performing this task and
> for the most part, this works correctly. However, the problem lies in that
> if a customer emails a reply to this ticket, then the pending reminder is
> dropped and the ticket reverts to an "Open" status. At this point, unless
> carefully scrutinised on each reply, the reminder would never be actioned.
> I can't see a nice way around this issue other than
> A) Create a child ticket for pending reminders on each instance (time
> consuming and tedious).
> B) Introduce another system to create reminders in the near future using
> the API.
> C) Force the ticket to stay as pending, with the side effect that the new
> email won't be responded to till the pending reminder time is up.
> All of these options aren't really feasible to us.
> I suppose what needs to be done is that a pending reminder shouldn't be a
> ticket state but rather an alarm that triggers a state change at a fixed
> point in time from whatever it currently is to another state.
> At this point, I would take any suggestions seriously.
> Thanks in advance.
> (Apologise if this was asked before, did a google came up blank on exact
> requirements).
> I might also be looking at this wrongly.
> Scott
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