After some more investigations I concluded that it's not possible to search
by ticket type, SLA or service in the customer interface, in v3.1.10. If
anyone finds out I was wrong please point it out.

There is this one configuration
(Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketSearch###ExtendedSearchCondition) that I
haven't been able to take under account because I didn't understood what it
does (Help text: Allows extended search conditions in ticket search of the
customer interface. With this feature you can search w. g. with this kind
of conditions like "(key1&&key2)" or "(key1||key2)".) I saw other people
wondering out loud quite recently about it but no answers.

Finally, if anyone else is wondering, even though you can't enable your
customers to filter tickets in their searches by ticket type, SLA or
service, you can still get those fields included in the output produced for
CSV by adding to the Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketSearch###SearchCSVData
configuration the values: Type, SLA and Service. This is really useful for
customers who need to compute their own reports, something that can't
really be done via the customer interface once you go above a couple tens
of tickets due to the interface lacking filters and customizable grid

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Bogdan Iosif <>wrote:

> I found "Frontend::Customer::Ticket::ViewSearch" and found out how to
> include dynamic fields in both search conditions and results.
> Haven't yet found how to search by ticket type. Is it possible?
> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 5:40 PM, Bogdan Iosif <>wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> Does anyone know if OTRS can enable customers to search their tickets by
>> ticket type or dynamic fields?
>> This would be an extension of the search already available in the
>> customer interface.
>> Thanks,
>> Bogdan
>> P.S: I went through all configs from SysConfig (v3.1.10) that seemed to
>> be related to the customer interface and wasn't able to find anything
>> related to customizing the search available to customers.
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