Hi list,

otrs.SetPermissions.pl doesn't set the proper access mode to $DestDir when using .procmailrc and not using the --secure switch.

In this case, $DestDir is made group-writeable whereas, according to procmail's man page, it shouldn't.

The offending line in otrs.SetPermissions.pl is the following, but I don't know how to correctly fix it:

   # set permissions
   print "Setting permissions on $DestDir\n";
   if ($Secure) {

        # In secure mode, make files read-only by default
            { wanted => \&MakeReadOnly, no_chdir => 1 },
            $DestDir . "/"
        );    # append / to follow symlinks

        # Also change the toplevel directory/symlink itself
   else {

        # set all files writeable for webserver user (needed for
   package manager)
            { wanted => \&MakeWritable, no_chdir => 1 },
            $DestDir . "/"
        );    # append / to follow symlinks

        # Also change the toplevel directory/symlink itself

    >>>>>>>>>    MakeWritable($DestDir);

        # set the $HOME to the OTRS user
        if ( !$NotRoot ) {
            SafeChown( $OtrsUserID, $OtrsGroupID, $DestDir );

Best regards,

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