i move my otrs environment from windows server to a debian server.

On windows, after edit of the kernel/config.pm, i have to run a script to restart apache, cron, mysql.

After the installation of otrs on debian, i see that the software reload automaticaly the changes... but now at the end of migration, it seems not work.

Test 1: manual restart of cron, apache --> failed, config.pm not reloaded
Test 2: manual stop of cron, apache; run script bin/otrs.RebuildConfig.pl and bin/otrs.DeleteCache.pl; manual start of cron apache -> failed --> failed, config.pm not reloaded
Test 3: Test 2 and after a reboot of the debian machine

What's my error?

In my config.pm i modify a custom ACL rule.

thanks for the help

*Stefano Ricci*
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