Thanks, but this is where I believe my problem is
[From Otrs Portal: If you cannot use mail accounts to get the email into OTRS, 
the command line program bin/<> 
might be a way around the problem. It takes the mails via STDIN and pipes them 
directly into OTRS. That means email will be available in your OTRS system if 
the MDA (mail delivery agent, e.g. procmail) executes this program]. To test 
bin/<> without an MDA, execute the 
command of the following script.

linux:/opt/otrs# cd bin

linux:/opt/otrs/bin# cat ../doc/sample_mails/ | 


I want you please better explain with steps how can i solve this

mail problem considering bin/<>. 
Note that i working
in windows 7 not linux and runnuing Otrs 3.3.6.

You cannot use this solution on your Windows box. It relies on the mail system 
executing the Perl script when delivering the message. You don’t 
have the capability to implement this on your Windows system, since apparently 
you don’t control the mail system delivering the messages to your POP mailbox 
and your Win7 system doesn’t have the capability to receive mail directly. 
(Also note that Win7 is a *single-user* desktop operating system; it’s not 
designed for the purpose of running services accessed by other people. Even if 
you DO get this working, it’s not going to be particularly reliable or usable. )

I’ll cut you some slack for being new to the professional IT world, but there’s 
some basic stuff that you need to learn to do to survive out here in the Real 
World. One is step-by-step problem analysis and diagnostics. Your university 
clearly failed you miserably here. If I were you, I’d be annoyed at that 

Beyond what Gerald already suggested (particularly the Read The Fine Manual 
step), take a step back and look at the problem. First, visualize what you’re 
trying to do: configure OTRS to pull messages from a remote mailbox server – 
essentially to act like any other POP client interacting with a mail server run 
by someone else.

First thing to do: open a text editor or MS Word and step-by-step, record what 
you typed and what the system responded. Screen shots are good.

Second is take 5 minutes to write down what your understanding of the problem 
is and what you think is actually happening in text form – like you would 
explain it to your mother. You’ll understand it better if you do it in plain 
text in complete sentences.

Third, you need to look up the protocols that you’re trying to use and 
understand at least the basics of what they do and are intended to provide. 
Without that research step, you won’t ever understand how this is SUPPOSED to 
work, and you won’t get any further. You get that from the protocol docs and 
from the manuals that come with your product. Write that understanding in your 
text file too – it’s going to make your life easier if all this is in one 
place. Draw yourself a picture of how you think it should work.

So, with that in mind:

OTRS gets incoming messages either by direct execution of the 
script when the message is delivered, or by polling a remote mail server 
periodically via POP or IMAP. You can’t use the direct execution model because 
you don’t control the mail system delivering the message, so you have to use 
the polling method. There are two tasks here, transmitting messages outbound 
via SMTP, and receiving inbound messages via POP. You’ve told us that you can 
send outbound messages, which implies that the SMTP component is working.  OK, 
don’t mess with that part.

That means that the problem exists in the POP3 configuration. As again, Gerald 
already pointed out, POP != SMTP. Those services do not run on the same TCP 
ports (POP3 runs on port 110) and they do two completely different things. If 
you have the POP client (your OTRS system) configured to connect to port 25 
(the SMTP port), it will NEVER WORK. It’s like asking for a Irish stout beer in 
Philadelphia using the Urdu language. SMTP doesn’t understand the same commands 
as POP. Wrong place, wrong language.

Next, can your Windows box connect to the POP server? Make sure the OTRS POP 
client is configured for port 110, the POP3 service port on your mailbox server 
(the machine that gets your mail).

If you do have the OTRS POP3 client configured to use port 110, then the next 
step is to check whether the userid and pw you are using is correct for the 
POP3 server you are trying to connect to. If not, it will NEVER WORK. You can 
test this using telnet from your Windows machine: “telnet 110” 
and using USER “youruserid” and PASS “your password” (without the double 
quotes, and using your userid and pw in place of youruserid and yourpassword). 
If you get OK as a response, then move on. Make sure the OTRS POP client has 
that userid/pw information.

If that works, then you should be able to run manually and see 
mail come in.

If it doesn’t, then ONCE YOU’VE TRIED THESE STEPS, describe to us exactly what 
you typed and what you saw – post your text file. We can’t see what you see, 
and thus can’t know what you’ve tried. Then we have some basis to continue.

One other thing you should know is that this mailing list is people spending 
their free time trying to help you solve your problem. If you want someone to 
lead you by the hand on your schedule with your goals in mind, you should buy 
some consulting time from someone – the basic presumption here is that 1) 
you’ve tried stuff on your own, 2) you can describe what you’ve already tried 
coherently (see text editor idea above) and 3) that you have some idea what you 
expect it SHOULD do. We know that #1 occurred, now we’re asking you to work on 
#2 and #3.

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