
we have problem with PostaMasterMailbox hanged up. We use 4.0.6 on Windows but same situation was on 3.3.8. Mail configuration have POP3S protocol set up. In OTRS log i found:

[Wed Mar 4 15:50:07 2015][Info][Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketCreate] New Ticket [2015030420000092/Mail2] created (TicketID=751,Queue=CC,Priority=3 normal,State=new) [Wed Mar 4 15:50:07 2015][Info][Kernel::System::Ticket::TicketCreate] New Ticket [2015030420000109/Mail2] created (TicketID=752,Queue=CC,Priority=3 normal,State=new) [Wed Mar 4 15:50:10 2015][Notice][Kernel::System::EmailParser::PartsAttachments] Totally empty attachment part (1

[Wed Mar 4 16:30:01 2015][Notice][Kernel::System::PID::PIDCreate] Can't create PID PostMasterMailbox, because it's already running [Wed Mar 4 16:40:01 2015][Notice][Kernel::System::PID::PIDCreate] Can't create PID PostMasterMailbox, because it's already running

[Wed Mar 4 16:50:01 2015][Notice][Kernel::System::PID::PIDCreate] Removed PID (PostMasterMailbox/MAIL/5320, because 1 hour old!

And after that OTRS start to get mails from the beginning.

When OTRS work as i described above after few hours CPU of server is used in 100% by many of perl.exe processes.

Any ideas?

Jakub Szczepańczyk
Inżynier Serwisu

Alfavox Sp. z o.o.
ul. 1 Maja 17
43-300 Bielsko-Biała

Tel.: +48 33 822 43 06
Fax: +48 33 822 43 06

e-mail: j.szczepanc...@alfavox.pl

Alfavox Sp. z o.o., 43-300 Bielsko-Biała, ul. 1 Maja 17, wpisana przez Sąd 
Rejonowy w Bielsku-Białej do rejestru przedsiębiorców VIII Wydziału 
Gospodarczego Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS 0000223533, NIP: 
547-201-50-75, o kapitale zakładowym 50000zł opłaconym w całości.

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