I believe you need:

Require valid-user

Here is a working basic auth block:

    <Directory />
        AuthUserFile /etc/foo.pass
        AuthType Basic
        Require valid-user

Will Sheldon
IT Manager

On April 12, 2015 at 1:59:36 PM, he...@cityweb.co.za (he...@cityweb.co.za) 


I know this is more of an Apache question, but hopefully someone else  
has experienced this and knows the answer.  

We've been using OTRS on Apache 2.2 for many years, and we've had a  
two-level login system using the following apache config in  
otrs.sitename.com.conf which has worked well:  

Directory "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin">  
order deny,allow  
deny from all  
AllowOverride Limit  
allow from  
AuthType basic  
AuthName "Helpdesk"  
AuthUserFile /www/etc/users.helpdesk  
require valid-user  
Satisfy all  

ie, you get authenticated via the above pw file, and also restricted  
based on IP.  

Now, we have an apache 2.4 server, and things have changed somewhat, and  
the above login system no longer works at all (trimmed down to basics):  

<Directory "/opt/otrs/bin/cgi-bin">  
Require all denied  
AuthName "Helpdesk"  
AuthType Basic  
AuthUserFile /www/etc/users.helpdesk  
Require valid-user  

I'd appreciate any pointers.  

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