Hello everyone, 

I would like to add IP Address of customer in Ticket Information section, to 
see when we do AgentTicketZoom. Problem is that Dyanmic field is not working to 
see the IP address. In addition, when i create new label in dtl file, it shows 
my IP in All tickets. 

What I did so far (on OTRS 3.3.6 / PostgreSQL 9.3.5 / Perl 5.10.1 (linux) is 
used / OS: Cent OS 6.5): 
1) Go to Admin -> Dynamic Fields and create a new "Ticket" field of the "text" 
type (I called mine "ipaddr"). 
2) Go to Admin -> SysConfig and once again select "Ticket". Load the settings 
for "Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewZoom". Scroll down to the bottom to the 
"Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketZoom###DynamicField" setting and once again add 
an option with the Key of "ipaddr" with the content of 1. 
3) Kernel/Output/HTML/Standard/CustomerTicketMessage.dtl 
Near the very bottom of the file, there's a <script> tag that runs the 
"Core.Customer.InitFocus();" function. Right beneath that line, i add the 
document.getElementById('ipaddr').style.display = 'none'; 
document.getElementById('IP').style.display = 'none'; 
document.getElementById("ipaddr").value = "$Env{"REMOTE_ADDR"}"; 

Dyanmic field is not working in ticket Information. Its not showing even label 
name in ticket Information section. 

I tried to add IP label to file AgentTicketZoom.dtl. 
<label>IP Addr: </label><a 
href="https://www.mysite.com/ip?ip_addr=$Env{"REMOTE_ADDR"}"; target="_blank" 
class="DynamicFieldLink" > $Env{"REMOTE_ADDR"} </a> </label> 
It shows same IP Address for ALL tickets instaed of customer's IP address. I 
have tried HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR also, for proxy but both are not working. 

I hope i am clear. 

Thanks in advanced for your input and time ! ! 


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