
I use otrs for almost 1.5 years and I like it a lot.
I recently upgrade my 3.3.12 installation to 4.0.8.
We now only have 1 queue for 1 internal department. This will change as 
we will now support more departments.
This means there will be a need to report on the time spent on tickets 
per department. It will be used for time accounting and invoicing.
A have a couple of questions regarding this:

- The way we would implement it, is by using 1 queue per department.
It would allows us to put SLA on a queue and so on. Is this good practice? 
I could go further and couple a specific e-mail address for every 
department so everything is neatly split per department.

- In order to use the input of the tickets as base for accounting, we 
need some reports. I have looked through the reports but I can't seem to 
find the correct report. For instance, following situation: we have worked 
300 minutes in april for department x, and 100 minutes in may for
the same department. Management would like a couple of reports:
  - The tickets (title), time spent per ticket, and total time per
    given period for a given department.
    For april it would report all tickets and total time (300 minutes in
    our example). If a ticket is open for several months, then only the
    time spent in the given period should be reported to allow correct
    invoicing. The next month only 100 minutes should be reported.
    The time reported shouldn't depend on wether a ticket is open or
  - Total ticket time per department (queue?) for a given period
  - Total ticket time per department (queue?), and per operator who
    worked on the ticket for a given period

Any info or help with the reports and organisation of the queues would be 


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