Gerald - you were correct.

After restoring the old database again, I altered the tables from MyISAM to
InnoDB.  Once that was done the database upgrade SQL script, the perl
script, and the database post-upgrade all ran properly with no unexpected
errors.  After I upgraded the installed packages the server seemed to have
full functionality, except for one thing.

The scheduler doesn't seem to be running.

I ran /opt/otrs/bin/ -a start  (as user otrs)
also ran /opt/otrs/bin/ -start (also as user otrs)
Nothing appears to happen.

As root I run crontab -u otrs -e   comes up with an empty crontab.  Any
idea what I'm missing?
The main thing that's not happening is that fetchmail isn't getting the
mailed in tickets.  Would really like to get this working as it is in
Thanks again for your help and guidance.  I'm pretty sure you'll be hearing
from me again as I continue the upgrade process

Rob in Memphis

OTRS 3.1.21
Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS x64
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