Level 3 appears to be having issues with and (The Atlanta 
Anycasted ones). Appears to have Packet Loss (Seen in Below MTR's). As well 
as having timeoutes resolving DNS against them.
 From me (AS36295)
  Host                                                      Loss%   Snt   
Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. eth-vl0504-far1.coco-vr.flhsi.com                       0.0%   468    
0.3   0.4   0.2   3.7   0.3
 2. eth-ge0007-car1.coco-vr.flhsi.com                       0.0%   468    
0.5   0.4   0.2   2.0   0.2
 3. eth-ge0003-bar1.coco-vr.flhsi.com                       0.0%   468    
0.4   0.5   0.3   2.5   0.3
 4. 66-194-200-17.static.twtelecom.net                      0.0%   467    
4.3   4.5   4.1  40.2   2.4
 5. mia2-pr1-xe-1-3-0-0.us.twtelecom.net                    0.0%   467   
11.1  14.9  10.9 103.2  12.5
 6.                                              3.4%   467   
12.4  13.1  12.1  62.4   4.8
 7. ae-2-3015.ear1.Atlanta2.Level3.net                     97.4%   467  
22153 22228 21002 23399 797.3
 8. b.resolvers.Level3.net                                 53.3%   467   
38.5  36.4  31.0  42.4   2.0
 From another NLNOG Ring Participant (AS31939)
 Host                                                      Loss%   Snt   
Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
 1. c-65-50-1-69.ips.direcpath.com                          0.0%   179    
0.5   0.7   0.4  16.9   1.3
 2.                                             0.0%   179    
0.5   0.7   0.4   3.9   0.6
 3.                                            0.0%   179   
15.3   9.1   0.5 188.7  28.7
 4. te0-3-0-5.ccr21.atl04.atlas.cogentco.com                0.0%   179    
2.5   1.6   0.9   5.4   0.7
 5. level3.atl04.atlas.cogentco.com                         2.2%   179    
0.6   1.7   0.5  48.0   5.3
 6. ae-2-3015.ear1.Atlanta2.Level3.net                     98.3%   178  
22958 22009 20605 22958 1240.
 7. a.resolvers.level3.net                                 65.7%   178   
20.8  18.4  15.2  20.9   1.2
 Nick Olsen
Network Operations  (855) FLSPEED  x106

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