This may be having follow on effects still as traffic has been re-routed.
RFO from Level3:
Level-3 Mgmt Update: The Level 3 contractor was performing demolition
work in the basement of 75 Broad related to abandoned equipment due to
Hurricane Sandy. The equipment was not carrying live traffic. The
contractor cut all fiber cables in the space even though it was
expressly indicated they were not to be cut. Conduits feeding the 3rd
and 5th floors were cut as well as the conduit through the foundation of
the building to the street manhole. The restoration plan includes the
installation of two new entrance cables from the street manhole to the
inside of the building. One will feed the 3rd floor and one will feed
the 5th floor. Level 3 is working to obtain street closure permits. New
York City is currently in a street closure moratorium and the permits
are not guaranteed. Level 3 has indicated they will start the manhole
work at 8PM Eastern even if the permits have not been granted. Multiple
splice crews will be present both inside and outside the building to
expedite the repair. A firm MTR will be established once the replacement
cables are in place.
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