We've been noticing A LOT of DNS amplification targeting Google IP space
over the last few days. Seems to be mostly in the evening hours in the US.
Any other network operators with access to flows seeing the same thing?

We've been chasing down the offending customers with open resolvers, but
its been very consistent.


On Aug 23, 2017 15:05, "Mr. NPP via Outages" <outages@outages.org> wrote:

just an fyi, i did have smokeping dig probes running, it also noticed some
very bad latency. It does appear google had an issue last night.

On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 1:01 PM, Paul M - outages via Outages <
outages@outages.org> wrote:

> as someone said, icmp is an unreliable test because ping requests get
> dropped by busy servers or network devices.
> consider using something like this as a test of a resolver:
> /usr/bin/time -f '%e' dig +short +noanswer +time=5 cnn.com @
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