This time they acknowledge it and it appears to be DNS related and of course T.Suzuki reported hostile DNS activity towards them on the previous thread (6/25)

The normal status page ( is spotty but as mentioned below an alternate is available here:!/incident/446346

We lost our phones at 1:10 Pacific and have been down since then.

This is what they report on the alternate status page.

Jul-3 1:42pm PDT

[in progress] 8x8 is investigating reports of connectivity issues to 8x8 services. Symptoms include endpoints displaying line unregistered, and some intermittent web logins failing. We're investigating and we'll provide updates as they become available.
Jul-3 2:07pm PDT

While the majority of connectivity we see still connected, we do continue to see intermittent connectivity issues for some customers. We'll continue to monitor and provide updates on this issue.

Jul-3 2:51pm PDT
8x8 continues to work to restore full connectivity. We'll continue to provide updates as they become available.
Jul-3 3:15pm PDT

8x8 is continuing to work to mitigate the intermittent issue impacting DNS records from being resolved. Some customers who have been unable to resolve our status page can follow at this temporary alternate status page link:!/incident/446346 <!/incident/446346> . We'll continue to provide updates as we work to fully restore.


William Kern
Outages mailing list

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