I can confirm that we have lost capacity on SEACOM/TGN as well as AAE-1. Both cables seem to be impacted within kms of one another. 

On Feb 26, 2024, at 11:03, Stephen Wilcox via Outages <outages@outages.org> wrote:

So the outages are real but they didn't occur simultaneously, for example EIG has been down for a few weeks. Also note SEACOM and TGN are double counted as they're the same physical cable at that segment. The Red Sea is busy and shallow, faults are commonplace.

No major news outlets report the terrorism version, possibly because the origin of this seems to be Israel and Iran based stories aimed at each other and don't appear to cite any sources outside social media.

I'm also unclear about the claim that the cables can't be fixed because they'd require Yemeni approval to enter their waters. Cables don't usually hug the beach and ought to be in international waters, and preferably a deep area to avoid anchors.

We're on these cables and nothing I'm aware of from our vendors suggesting it's not business as usual, repairs slow as usual and lots of other cables unaffected. 

On Mon, 26 Feb 2024, 20:47 David Belson via Outages, <outages@outages.org> wrote:
We've been digging in on the Radar side and haven't seen any noticeable impacts to traffic or connection quality metrics.

(I'm the PM for Cloudflare Radar.)


On Feb 26, 2024 at 11:38:48 AM, Hank Nussbacher via Outages <outages@outages.org> wrote:
On 26/02/2024 14:54, Hank Nussbacher wrote:

I have seen all the news reports but have not seen any indication that
this has disrupted any traffic. For example:
Any traffic graphs showing outages?


It has been reported that a number of submarine cables near Yemen have
been cut:
AAE-1, EIG and SEACOM/TGN-Eurasia
I have not been able to confirm this report.

Anyone know more?


PS.  Sorry for HTML mail previously

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