On 01/22/2017 09:07 PM, Jan Scheurich wrote:
> Hi Kevin
>>> The performance results are very impressive - it looks like ~50%
>>> performance improvement after about 10K flows.
>>> Did you measure any negative effects when the the emc is not full?
>> Hi Kevin,
>> When the EMC is not full the impact is negligible.
>> For example I tested with 1, 128 & 1024 flows and measured a -0.04%
>> degradation and +2% and +1% improvement with the patch.
> If the bulk of your traffic consists of only a few, albeit very
> short-lived (<< 100 packets) parallel flows, you will likely measure a
> negative impact as the probability for these flows to be inserted into
> the EMC and subsequent packets be expedited decreases.  We haven't been
> able to quantify this effect due to a lack of a traffic generator for
> such a traffic pattern. In the worst case the performance could degrade
> to that of a pure Megaflow classifier with EMC disabled. With the latest
> improvements on the performance of the DPCLS, the degradation should not
> be dramatic any longer.

Hi Jan, sorry for delay. Thanks for the explanation. I think there is
still a big drop between emc and dplcls, but agree the scenario above is
worst case and it may not be worth the effort of adding to the emc for
such a small amount of packets.

>>> What about about only using this type of scheme once the emc is full or
>>> above a certain threshold?
>> Given the above results I don't think implementing something like that
>> is necessary. The adof ditional logic could be what ends up degrading
>> performance.
>> Thanks,
>> Ciara
> We though about this a lot but decided to avoid the complexity and
> run-time overhead of making this scheme adaptive. The fill level of the
> EMC alone is not sufficient as criterion to reduce the insertion
> probability. One would also have to increase the probability again with
> a decreasing hit rate to recover from the situation from a completely
> filled but outdated EMC.
> I'd suggest to go for this simple and extremely robust scheme first
> (wi h the addition to make the insertion probability configurable) and
> make it adaptive later, should the need arise and someone have a clever
> idea how to get it right.

Sounds reasonable.


> Jan

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