Currently, we have some manpages written directly in nroff.  This is an
awful format, that is difficult to read and difficult to write.  Other
manpages are written in a custom XML format that, while it is easier to
read and write, isn't any standard format and so we can't expect anyone
else (person or program) to understand it.  This is not ideal.  It's
difficult to include either format in the readthedocs documentation,

I'm thinking about starting to write manpages in REstructured Text
(rst).  This would make it much easier to include them in the
readthedocs pages, and ReST seems to convert pretty well to nroff for
installing as real manpages.  For example, try fetching,
which is a rst file, and then running "rst2man test.txt >" and
viewing with "man -l" or "groffer".  The output looks fine.

I think that all we'd need for this is a build dependency on
python-docutils to ensure that rst2man is available at build time.

Does anyone have comments?


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