Thanks, Lance.  I have one more comment to add to this version:

On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 4:28 PM, Lance Richardson <> wrote:
> This email (prompted by recent discussions in IRC on the subject)
> outlines some of the options that have been discussed for securing
> OVN_Southbound from a compromised chassis, and includes a strawman
> proposal for an ovsdb transaction ACL implementation.
> Feedback appreciated, hopefully we can discuss in IRC tomorrow.
> Regards,
>    Lance Richardson
> Problem Description
> -------------------
> Each ovn-controller instance currently has full write access to the OVN
> southbound database.  This means that a single compromised chassis can
> potentially disrupt every chassis in an OVN network.
> Goals of Solution
> -------------------
> Limiting the potential damage that can be inflicted on an OVN network by
> a compromised chassis will mean restricting the set of objects in
> OVN_Southbound that can be modified by a chassis to a minimum.  In the
> current implementation, there are a number of tables that do not need
> to be modified by ovn-controller:
>     SB_Global
>     Address_Set
>     Logical_Flow
>     Multicast_Group
>     Datapath_Binding
>     DHCP_Options
>     DHCPv6_Options
>     Connection
>     SSL
> Tables that do need to be modified by ovn-controller include:
>     Chassis
>        Rows in this table are added and updated by ovn-controller.
>        While there have been proposals to make this table read-
>        only for ovn-controller, note that the nb_cfg column still needs
>        to be updated by the associated chassis in order for the
>        "--wait=hv" option of ovn-nbctl to work.
>     Encap
>        Rows in this table are added/deleted/modified by ovn-controller.
>     Port_Binding
>        Rows in this table are added/deleted/modified by ovn-northd, with
>        the exception of the "chassis" column, which is updated by
>        ovn-controller.
>     MAC_Binding
>        Rows in this table are inserted/deleted/modified by all chassis.
> Possible Solutions
> -------------------
> Several possible implementations have been proposed on the ovs-dev mailing
> list and/or discussed in IRC, including:
>   1) Eliminate the need for writes to the southbound database by ovn-
>      controller, adding new mechanisms for managing tables that are
>      currently written to by ovn-controller.
>   2) Enhance ovsdb-server to support role-based (or id-based) access
>      control mechanisms, and use these mechanisms to restrict write
>      access to the southbound database by ovn-controller.
>   3) Eliminate all write access to the southbound database by ovn-controller,
>      adding a "trusted proxy" through which ovn-controller can request
>      updates to the southbound database subject to ovn-specific access
>      policies.
> (1) Eliminate Need for Writes to SB DB by ovn-controller
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Some work has been done for the implementation of option (1), however
> at least two cases appear to be unsolvable:
>     - The "nb_cfg" column in the Chassis table needs to be updated by
>       ovn-controller in order for the "--wait=hv" option of ovn-nbctl to
>       work.
>     - The "chassis" column of the Port_Binding table needs to be updated
>       by ovn-controller in order for the port state "up" column in the
>       northbound database Logical_Switch_Port table to be maintained
>       correctly by ovn-northd.
> Because of these issues, option (1) appears to be non-viable at this
> time.
> Related discussions and patches:
> (2) Introduce "Trusted Agent" for Writes to SB DB
> -------------------------------------------------
> The "trusted agent" solution would involve:
>    1) Configure southbound ovsdb-server allow only read-only connections
>       from ovn-controller.
>    2) Add a new "trusted agent" daemon (stand-alone or integrated with
>       ovn-northd) which would handle write requests from ovn-controller
>       (these requests would be in json-rpc form, reusing existing code),
>       decide whether the request is allowed, and update the southbound
>       database appropriately.
>    3) The "trusted agent" will determine the identity (chassis name) for
>       each established session using SSL certificate CN field (as
>       described for option (3)).
> Some possible issues with this approach:
>   - If there is delay in the handling of the write requests by the
>     "trusted agent", will ovn-controller waste cycles attempting
>     to retry the transaction in the IDL loop? Should write requests
>     block until the southbound db has been updated?
> Related discussions:
> (3) Add General-Purpose Transaction ACL Support to ovsdb-server
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Option (3), enhancing ovsdb-server to support role-based or id-based
> access controls, would entail the following (strawman):
>    1) Connections between sb ovsdb-server and ovn-controller are read-
>       only, with pssl: type. ACLs enable write access to specific
>       database entries.
>    2) The introduction of "transaction ACL" support to ovsdb-server.
>       Transaction ACLs are implemented using a "root" ACL table,
>       indexed by table name, and multiple "leaf" ACL tables, indexed
>       by chassis name, one for each table in the OVN_Southbound schema
>       that might be written to by an ovn-controller.
>    3) The addition of a command-line option to specify that transaction
>       ACLs are to be used and to identify the root ACL table by name.
>    4) The leaf ACL tables are indexed by chassis name, which is obtained
>       for each SSL connection via the CN (Common Name) field in the
>       client SSL certificate. This requires chassis SSL certificates
>       to be generated for each chassis with CN field set to chassis name.
>    5) The root and leaf transaction ACL tables are managed by ovn-northd.
> The root transaction ACL table is implemented as follows:
>    1) One row for each table in the SB schema that can be modified by
>       ovn-controller. It is indexed by table name, and each row contains:
>       - A column of type boolean indicating whether insertions to the
>         associated table are allowed (if allowed, they are allowed for
>         any chassis).
>       - A column of type boolean indicating whether deletions from the
>         associated table are allowed for all chassis (if false, deletions
>         may be allowed by the leaf ACL table, see below).
>       - A column of type boolean indicating whether modifications to the
>         associated table are allowed for all chassis (if false,
>         modifications may be allowed by the leaf ACL table, see below).
>       - A column containing a table reference to the "leaf" ACL table
>         containing ACLs for the associated OVN_Southbound table.
> For the current implementation of the OVN_Southbound schema, the root
> ACL table would contain the following rows:
>    "Chassis":
>       insert:         true
>       delete_any:     false
>       update_any:     false
>       leaf_acl_table: Chassis_ACL (table ref)
>    "Encap":
>       insert:         true
>       delete_any:     false
>       update_any:     false
>       leaf_acl_table: Encap_ACL
>    "Port_Binding":
>       insert:         false
>       delete_any:     false
>       update_any:     false
>       leaf_acl_table: Port_Binding_ACL
>    "MAC_Binding":
>       insert:         true
>       delete_any:     true
>       update_any:     true
>       leaf_acl_table: <empty>
> Notes:
>    - Encap table will need a new column containing the name of
>      the creating chassis in order to allow delete/update access
>      controls.
>    - Assuming MAC_Binding table will be removed in the future.
> Each leaf ACL table contains one row per chassis (indexed by chassis
> name), each row contains the following columns:
>    chassis_name: index, chassis name
>    delete:       0 or more UUIDs of rows in associated table that
>                  can be deleted by this chassis.
>    One column for each column in associated column that can possibly
>    be written by ovn-controller. Column name is identical to column
>    name in associated table.
> The Chassis_ACL leaf ACL table would contain (assuming a configuration
> with two chassis named "chassis1" and "chassis2"):
>    chassis_name: "chassis1"
>       delete:                UUID of chassis1 row in Chassis table
>       nb_cfg:                UUID of chassis1 row in Chassis table
>       external_ids:          UUID of chassis1 row in Chassis table
>       encaps:                UUID of chassis1 row in Chassis table
>       vtep_logical_switches: UUID of chassis1 row in Chassis table
>    chassis_name: "chassis2"
>       delete:                UUID of chassis2 row in Chassis table
>       nb_cfg:                UUID of chassis2 row in Chassis table
>       external_ids:          UUID of chassis2 row in Chassis table
>       encaps:                UUID of chassis2 row in Chassis table
>       vtep_logical_switches: UUID of chassis2 row in Chassis table
> The Encap_ACL leaf ACL table would contain:
>    chassis_name: "chassis1"
>       delete:    UUIDs of rows created by chassis1 in Encap table
>       type:      UUIDs of rows created by chassis1 in Encap table
>       options:   UUIDs of rows created by chassis1 in Encap table
>       ip:        UUIDs of rows created by chassis1 in Encap table
>    chassis_name: "chassis2"
>       delete:    UUIDs of rows created by chassis2 in Encap table
>       type:      UUIDs of rows created by chassis2 in Encap table
>       options:   UUIDs of rows created by chassis2 in Encap table
>       ip:        UUIDs of rows created by chassis2 in Encap table
> The Port_Binding_ACL leaf ACL table would contain:
>    chassis_name: "chassis1"
>       delete:    <empty>
>       chassis:   UUIDs of all rows in Port_Binding table
>    chassis_name: "chassis2"
>       delete:    <empty>
>       chassis:   UUIDs of all rows in Port_Binding table.

We could easily have hundreds (and eventually thousands) of chassis.
For each chassis, we'd easily be listing many thousands of
Port_Binding UUIDs.  If this security policy was valuable, it'd be
nicer to be able to specify that this column can be updated by any
chassis in the "root" table.

I would suggest not trying to lock down the Port_Binding table at all
until we implement the approach described below.

> Note that having all rows of Port_Binding_ACL contain all Port_Binding
> UUIDs is unlikely to scale well.  Access to the Port_Binding table could
> be further restricted while eliminating this scaling problem as follows:
>    1) Introduce a new option "chassis" on Logical_Switch_port in
>       the northbound DB.
>    2) Have ovn-northd copy the "chassis" option from Logical_Switch_Port
>       in OVN_Northbound to the corresponding Port_Binding in
>       OVN_Southbound.
>    3) Change Port_Binding_ACL leaf table setup as follows:
>    chassis_name: "chassis1"
>       delete:    <empty>
>       chassis:   UUIDs of all rows in Port_Binding table having
>                  "chassis" equal to "chassis1"
>    chassis_name: "chassis2"
>       delete:    <empty>
>       chassis:   UUIDs of all rows in Port_Binding table having
>                  "chassis" equal to "chassis2"
> Transaction ACL Implementation:
> For each transaction request on a read-only connection, individual
> operations (insert, delete, update, and mutate) are checked against
> the root and appropriate leaf table (if present).  If a row corresponding
> to the target table does not exist in the root table or if the target
> column does not exist in the leaf table, the operation is rejected,
> otherwise:
>     The "insert" operation is allowed if the "insert" column in the
>     root table contains "true".
>     The "delete" operation is allowed if the "delete_any" column in the
>     root table contains "true" or if the "delete" column in the leaf
>     table for the originating chassis contains the UUID of the row to
>     be deleted in the target table.
>     The "update" and "mutate" operations are allowed if the leaf table
>     columns corresponding to the columns to be modified in the target
>     table contain the UUIDs of the rows to be modified in the target
>     table.
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Russell Bryant
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