On Mon, May 01, 2017 at 10:55:55PM +0000, Bodireddy, Bhanuprakash wrote:
> >> > This patch is aimed at achieving Fastpath Service Assurance in
> >> > OVS-DPDK deployments. This commit adds support for monitoring the
> >> > packet processing cores(pmd thread cores) by dispatching heartbeats
> >> > at regular intervals. Incase of heartbeat miss the failure shall be
> >> > detected & reported to higher level fault management
> >systems/frameworks.
> >> >
> >> > The implementation uses POSIX shared memory object for storing the
> >> > events that will be read by monitoring framework. keep-alive feature
> >> > can be enabled through below OVSDB settings.
> >>
> >> I've been thinking about this design, and I'm concerned - shared
> >> memory is inflexible, and allows multiple actors to mess with the
> >information.
> >> Is there a reason to use shared memory?  I am not sure of what
> >> advantage this form of reporting has vs. simply using a message
> >> passing interface.  With messages there is clear abstraction, and the
> >> projects / processes are truly separated.  Shared memory is leads to a
> >> situation of inextricably coupling two (or more) processes.
> >
> >Shared memory is great within a process, but it has drawbacks as an inter-
> >process interface.  Bhanu, is there a reason that we need the same interface
> >intra- and inter-process?  For example, OVS could have a dedicated thread
> >that monitors the shared memory interface and, on failure, reports the
> >problem over a Unix domain socket.
> Ben,
> In the original KA design shared memory interface was meant for 
> inter-process.  With OvS-DPDK, Keepalive thread is spawned that wakes up 
> periodically to update the PMD core status in SHM. This SHM interface will be 
> monitored by collectd and in case of event it notifies to OpenStack service 
> ceilometer.
> I like what you suggested,  wherein we can still have the SHM interface and 
> additionally spawn a dedicated monitoring thread to monitor SHM interface and 
> notify the status(in case of events) to external monitoring 
> frameworks(collectd) over Unix domain sockets. 
> As the consensus is to use Unix domain sockets, I would pass on the feedback 
> to collectd team for appropriate changes on their side.

OK.  If what I said made sense, please go ahead; if I don't understand
well enough, ignore me...
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