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        Documentation/tutorials/ovn-sandbox.rst \
        Documentation/topics/index.rst \
        Documentation/topics/bonding.rst \
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+   ovn-openstack
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+      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
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+      under the License.
+      Convention for heading levels in Open vSwitch documentation:
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+      Avoid deeper levels because they do not render well.
+OVN OpenStack Tutorial
+This tutorial demonstrates how OVN works in an OpenStack "DevStack"
+environment.  It was tested with the "master" branches of DevStack and
+Open vSwitch near the beginning of May 2017.  Anyone using an earlier
+version is likely to encounter some differences.  In particular, we
+noticed some shortcomings in OVN utilities while writing the tutorial
+and pushed out some improvements, so it's best to use recent Open
+vSwitch at least from that point of view.
+The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate OVN in an end-to-end way,
+that is, to show how it works from the cloud management system at the
+top (in this case, OpenStack and specifically its Neutron networking
+subsystem), through the OVN northbound and southbound databases, to
+the bottom at the OVN local controller and Open vSwitch data plane.
+We hope that this demonstration makes it easier for users and
+potential users to understand how OVN works and how to debug and
+troubleshoot it.
+In addition to new material, this tutorial incorporates content from
+``testing.rst`` in OpenStack networking-ovn, by Russell Bryant and
+others.  Without that example, this tutorial could not have been
+We provide enough details in the tutorial that you should be able to
+fully follow along, by creating a DevStack VM and cloning DevStack and
+so on.  If you want to do this, start out from `Setting Up DevStack`_
+Setting Up DevStack
+This section explains how to install DevStack, a kind of OpenStack
+packaging for developers, in a way that allows you to follow along
+with the tutorial in full.
+Unless you have a spare computer laying about, it's easiest to install
+DevStacck in a virtual machine.  This tutorial was built using a VM
+implemented by KVM and managed by virt-manager.  I recommend
+configuring the VM configured for the x86-64 architecture, 4 GB RAM, 2
+VCPUs, and a 20 GB virtual disk.
+.. note::
+   If you happen to run your Linux-based host with 32-bit userspace,
+   then you will have some special issues, even if you use a 64-bit
+   kernel:
+   * You may find that you can get 32-bit DevStack VMs to work to some
+     extent, but I personally got tired of finding workarounds.  I
+     recommend running your VMs in 64-bit mode.  To get this to work,
+     I had to go to the CPUs tab for the VM configuration in
+     virt-manager and change the CPU model from the one originally
+     listed to "Hypervisor Default' (it is curious that this is not
+     the default!).
+   * On a host with 32-bit userspace, KVM supports VMs with at most
+     2047 MB RAM.  This is adequate, barely, to start DevStack, but it
+     is not enough to run multiple (nested) VMs.  To prevent
+     out-of-memory failures, set up extra swap space in the guest.
+     For example, to add 2 GB swap::
+       $ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=2048
+       $ sudo mkswap /swapfile
+       $ sudo swapon /swapfile
+     and then add a line like this to ``/etc/fstab`` to add the new
+     swap automatically upon reboot::
+       /swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0
+Here are step-by-step instructions to get started:
+1. Install a VM.
+   I tested these instructions with Centos 7.3.  Download the "minimal
+   install" ISO and booted it.  The install is straightforward.  Be
+   sure to enable networking, and set a host name, such as
+   "ovn-devstack-1".  Add a regular (non-root) user, and check the box
+   "Make this user administrator".  Also, set your time zone.
+2. You can SSH into the DevStack VM, instead of running from a
+   console.  I recommend it because it's easier to cut and paste
+   commands into a terminal than a VM console.  You might also
+   consider using a very wide terminal, perhaps 160 columns, to keep
+   tables from wrapping.
+   To improve convenience further, you can make it easier to log in
+   with the following steps, which are optional:
+   a. On your host, edit your ``~/.ssh/config``, adding lines like
+      the following::
+       Host ovn-devstack-1
+             Hostname VMIP
+             User VMUSER
+      where VMIP is the VM's IP address and VMUSER is your username
+      inside the VM.  (You can omit the ``User`` line if your
+      username is the same in the host and the VM.)  After you do
+      this, you can SSH to the VM by name, e.g. ``ssh
+      ovn-devstack-1``, and if command-line completion is set up in
+      your host shell, you can shorten that to something like ``ssh
+      ovn`` followed by hitting the Tab key.
+   b. If you have SSH public key authentication set up, with an SSH
+      agent, run on your host::
+       $ ssh-copy-id ovn-devstack-1
+      and type your password once.  Afterward, you can log in without
+      typing your password again.
+      (If you don't already use SSH public key authentication and an
+      agent, consider looking into it--it will save you time in the
+      long run.)
+   c. Optionally, inside the VM, append the following to your
+      ``~/.bash_profile``::
+       . $HOME/devstack/openrc admin
+      It will save you running it by hand each time you log in.  But
+      it also prints garbage to the console, which can screw up
+      services like ``ssh-copy-id``, so be careful.
+2. Boot into the installed system and log in as the regular user, then
+   install Git::
+     $ sudo yum install git
+   .. note::
+      If you installed a 32-bit i386 guest (against the advice above),
+      install a non-PAE kernel and reboot into it at this point::
+          $ sudo yum install kernel-core kernel-devel
+          $ sudo reboot
+      Be sure to select the non-PAE kernel from the list at boot.
+      Without this step, DevStack will fail to install properly later.
+3. Get copies of DevStack and OVN and set them up::
+     $ git clone
+     $ git clone
+     $ cd devstack
+     $ cp ../networking-ovn/devstack/local.conf.sample local.conf
+   .. note::
+      If you installed a 32-bit i386 guest (against the advice above),
+      at this point edit ``local.conf`` to add the following line::
+       CIRROS_ARCH=i386
+4. Initialize DevStack::
+     $ ./
+   This will spew many screenfuls of text, and the first time you run
+   it, it will download lots of software from the Internet.  The
+   output should eventually end with something like this::
+     This is your host IP address:
+     This is your host IPv6 address: ::1
+     Horizon is now available at
+     Keystone is serving at
+     The default users are: admin and demo
+     The password: password
+     2017-03-09 15:10:54.117 | completed in 2110 seconds.
+   If there's some kind of failure, you can restart by running
+   ``./`` again.  It won't restart exactly where it left off,
+   but steps up to the one where it failed will skip the download
+   steps.  (Sometimes blindly restarting after a failure will allow it
+   to succeed.)  If you reboot your VM, you need to rerun this
+   command.  (If you run into trouble with ```` after
+   rebooting your VM, try running ``./``.)
+   At this point you can navigate a web browser on your host to the
+   Horizon dashboard URL.  Many OpenStack operations can be initiated
+   from this UI.  Feel free to explore, but this tutorial focuses on
+   the alternative command-line interfaces because they are easier to
+   explain and to cut and paste.
+5. As of this writing, you need to run the following to fix a problem
+   with using VM consoles from the OpenStack web instance::
+     $ (cd /opt/stack/noVNC && git checkout v0.6.0)
+   See 
+   for more details.
+6. The firewall in the VM by default allows SSH access but not HTTP.
+   You will probably want HTTP access to use the OpenStack web
+   interface.  The following command enables that.  (It also enables
+   every other kind of network access, so if you're concerned about
+   security then you might want to find a more targeted approach.)
+   ::
+      $ sudo iptables -F
+   (You need to re-run this if you reboot the VM.)
+7. To use OpenStack command line utilities in the tutorial, run::
+     $ . ~/devstack/openrc admin
+   This needs to be re-run each time you log in (but see the following
+   section).
+DevStack preliminaries
+Before we really jump in, let's set up a couple of things in DevStack.
+This is the first real test that DevStack is working, so if you get
+errors from any of these commands, it's a sign that ````
+didn't finish properly, or perhaps that you didn't run the ``openrc
+admin`` command at the end of the previous instructions.
+If you stop and restart DevStack via ```` followed by
+````, you have to rerun these steps.
+1. For SSH access to the VMs we're going to create, we'll need a SSH
+   keypair.  Later on, we'll get OpenStack to install this keypair
+   into VMs.  Create one with::
+     $ openstack keypair create demo > ~/id_rsa_demo
+     $ chmod 600 ~/id_rsa_demo
+2. By default, DevStack security groups drop incoming traffic, but to
+   test networking in a reasonable way we need to enable it.  You only
+   need to actually edit one particular security group, but DevStack
+   creates multiple and it's somewhat difficult to figure out which
+   one is important because all of them are named "default".  So, the
+   following adds rules to allow SSH and ICMP traffic into **every**
+   security group::
+     $ for group in $(openstack security group list -f value -c ID); do \
+     openstack security group rule create --ingress --ethertype IPv4 
--dst-port 22 --protocol tcp $group; \
+     openstack security group rule create --ingress --ethertype IPv4 
--protocol ICMP $group; \
+     done
+3. Later on, we're going to create some VMs and we'll need an
+   operating system image to install.  DevStack comes with a very
+   simple image built-in, called "cirros", which works fine.  We need
+   to get the UUID for this image.  Our later commands assume shell
+   variable ``IMAGE_ID`` holds this UUID.  You can set this by hand,
+   e.g.::
+     $ openstack image list
+     | ID                                   | Name                     | 
Status |
+     | 77f37d2c-3d6b-4e99-a01b-1fa5d78d1fa1 | cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk | 
active |
+     $ IMAGE_ID=73ca34f3-63c4-4c10-a62f-4540afc24eaa
+   or by parsing CLI output::
+     $ IMAGE_ID=$(openstack image list -f value -c ID)
+   .. note::
+      Your image ID will differ from the one above, as will every UUID
+      in this tutorial.  They will also change every time you run
+      ````.  The UUIDs are generated randomly.
+Shortening UUIDs
+OpenStack, OVN, and Open vSwitch all really like UUIDs.  These are
+great for uniqueness, but 36-character strings are terrible for
+readability.  Statistically, just the first few characters are enough
+for uniqueness in small environments, so let's define a helper to make
+things more readable::
+  $ abbrev() { a='[0-9a-fA-F]' b=$a$a c=$b$b; sed "s/$b-$c-$c-$c-$c$c$c//g"; }
+You can use this as a filter to abbreviate UUIDs.  For example, use it
+to abbreviate the above image list::
+  $ openstack image list -f yaml | abbrev
+  - ID: 77f37d
+    Name: cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk
+    Status: active
+The command above also adds ``-f yaml`` to switch to YAML output
+format, because abbreviating UUIDs screws up the default table-based
+formatting and because YAML output doesn't produce wrap columns across
+lines and therefore is easier to cut and paste.
+Now that DevStack is ready, with OVN set up as the networking
+back-end, here's an overview of what we're going to do in the
+remainder of the demo, all via OpenStack:
+1. Switching: Create an OpenStack network ``n1`` and VMs ``a`` and
+   ``b`` attached to it.
+   An OpenStack network is a virtual switch; it corresponds to an OVN
+   logical switch.
+2. Routing: Create a second OpenStack network ``n2`` and VM ``c``
+   attached to it, then connect it to network ``n1`` by creating an
+   OpenStack router and attaching ``n1`` and ``n2`` to it.
+3. Gateways: Make VMs ``a`` and ``b`` available via an external network.
+4. IPv6: Add IPv6 addresses to our VMs to demonstrate OVN support for
+   IPv6 routing.
+5. ACLs: Add and modify OpenStack stateless and stateful rules in
+   security groups.
+6. DHCP: How it works in OVN.
+7. Further directions: Adding more compute nodes.
+At each step, we will take a look at how the features in question work
+from OpenStack's Neutron networking layer at the top to the data plane
+layer at the bottom.  From the highest to lowest level, these layers
+and the software components that connect them are:
+* OpenStack Neutron, which as the top level in the system is the
+  authoritative source of the virtual network configuration.
+  We will use OpenStack's ``openstack`` utility to observe and modify
+  Neutron and other OpenStack configuration.
+* networking-ovn, the Neutron driver that interfaces with OVN and
+  translates the internal Neutron representation of the virtual
+  network into OVN's representation and pushes that representation
+  down the OVN northbound database.
+  In this tutorial it's rarely worth distinguishing Neutron from
+  networking-ovn, so we usually don't break out this layer separately.
+* The OVN Northbound database, aka NB DB.  This is an instance of
+  OVSDB, a simple general-purpose database that is used for multiple
+  purposes in Open vSwitch and OVN.  The NB DB's schema is in terms of
+  networking concepts such as switches and routers.  The NB DB serves
+  the purpose that in other systems might be filled by some kind of
+  API; for example, in place of calling an API to create or delete a
+  logical switch, networking-ovn performs these operations by
+  inserting or deleting a row in the NB DB's Logical_Switch table.
+  We will use OVN's ``ovn-nbctl`` utility to observe the NB DB.  (We
+  won't directly modify data at this layer or below.  Because
+  configuration trickles down from Neutron through the stack, the
+  right way to make changes is to use the ``openstack`` utility or
+  another OpenStack interface and then wait for them to percolate
+  through to lower layers.)
+* The ovn-northd daemon, a program that runs centrally and translates
+  the NB DB's network representation into the lower-level
+  representation used by the OVN Southbound database in the next
+  layer.  The details of this daemon are usually not of interest,
+  although without it OVN will not work, so this tutorial does not
+  often mention it.
+* The OVN Southbound database, aka SB DB, which is also an OVSDB
+  database.  Its schema is very different from the NB DB.  Instead of
+  familiar networking concepts, the SB DB defines the network in terms
+  of collections of match-action rules called "logical flows", which
+  while similar in concept to OpenFlow flows use logical concepts, such
+  as virtual machine instances, in place of physical concepts like
+  physical Ethernet ports.
+  We will use OVN's ``ovn-sbctl`` utility to observe the SB DB.
+* The ovn-controller daemon.  A copy of ovn-controller runs on each
+  hypervisor.  It reads logical flows from the SB DB, translates them
+  into OpenFlow flows, and sends them to Open vSwitch's ovs-vswitchd
+  daemon.  Like ovn-northd, usually the details of what this daemon
+  are not of interest, even though it's important to the operation of
+  the system.
+* ovs-vswitchd.  This program runs on each hypervisor.  It is the core
+  of Open vSwitch, which processes packets according to the OpenFlow
+  flows set up by ovn-controller.
+* Open vSwitch datapath.  This is essentially a cache designed to
+  accelerate packet processing.  Open vSwitch includes a few different
+  datapaths but OVN installations typically use one based on the Open
+  vSwitch Linux kernel module.
+Switching is the basis of networking in the real world and in virtual
+networking as well.  OpenStack calls its concept of a virtual switch a
+"network", and OVN calls its corresponding concept a "logical switch".
+In this step, we'll create an OpenStack network ``n1``, then create
+VMs ``a`` and ``b`` and attach them to ``n1``.
+Creating network ``n1``
+Let's start by creating the network::
+  $ openstack network create --project admin --provider-network-type geneve n1
+OpenStack needs to know the subnets that a network serves.  We inform
+it by creating subnet objects.  To keep it simple, let's give our
+network a single subnet for the network.  We have to give
+it a name, in this case ``n1subnet``::
+  $ openstack subnet create --subnet-range --network n1 n1subnet
+If you ask Neutron to show us the available networks, we see ``n1`` as
+well as the two networks that DevStack creates by default::
+  $ openstack network list -f yaml | abbrev
+  - ID: 5b6baf
+    Name: n1
+    Subnets: 5e67e7
+  - ID: c02c4d
+    Name: private
+    Subnets: d88a34, fd87f9
+  - ID: d1ac28
+    Name: public
+    Subnets: 0b1e79, c87dc1
+Neutron pushes this network setup down to the OVN northbound
+database.  We can use ``ovn-nbctl show`` to see an overview of what's
+in the NB DB::
+  $ ovn-nbctl show | abbrev
+  switch 5b3d5f (neutron-c02c4d) (aka private)
+      port b256dd
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-b256dd
+      port f264e7
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-f264e7
+  switch 2579f4 (neutron-d1ac28) (aka public)
+      port provnet-d1ac28
+         type: localnet
+         addresses: ["unknown"]
+      port ae9b52
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-ae9b52
+  switch 3eb263 (neutron-5b6baf) (aka n1)
+  router c59ad2 (neutron-9b057f) (aka router1)
+      port lrp-ae9b52
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:b2:d2:67"
+         networks: ["", "2001:db8::b/64"]
+      port lrp-b256dd
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:35:33:db"
+         networks: ["fdb0:5860:4ba8::1/64"]
+      port lrp-f264e7
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:fc:c8:da"
+         networks: [""]
+      nat 80914c
+         external ip: ""
+         logical ip: ""
+         type: "snat"
+This output shows that OVN has three logical switches, each of which
+corresponds to a Neutron network, and a logical router that
+corresponds to the Neutron router that DevStack creates by default.
+The logical switch that corresponds to our new network ``n1`` has no
+ports yet, because we haven't added any.  The ``public`` and
+``private`` networks that DevStack creates by default have router
+ports that connect to the logical router.
+Using ovn-northd, OVN translates the NB DB's high-level switch and
+router concepts into lower-level concepts of "logical datapaths" and
+logical flows.  There's one logical datapath for each logical switch
+or router::
+  $ ovn-sbctl list datapath_binding | abbrev
+  _uuid               : 0ad69d
+  external_ids        : {logical-switch="5b3d5f", name="neutron-c02c4d", 
+  tunnel_key          : 1
+  _uuid               : a8a758
+  external_ids        : {logical-switch="3eb263", name="neutron-5b6baf", 
+  tunnel_key          : 4
+  _uuid               : 191256
+  external_ids        : {logical-switch="2579f4", name="neutron-d1ac28", 
+  tunnel_key          : 3
+  _uuid               : b87bec
+  external_ids        : {logical-router="c59ad2", name="neutron-9b057f", 
+  tunnel_key          : 2
+This output lists the NB DB UUIDs in external_ids:logical-switch and
+Neutron UUIDs in externals_ids:uuid.  We can dive in deeper by viewing
+the OVN logical flows that implement a logical switch.  Our new
+logical switch is a simple and almost pathological example given that
+it doesn't yet have any ports attached to it.  We'll look at the
+details a bit later::
+  $ ovn-sbctl lflow-list n1 | abbrev
+  Datapath: "neutron-5b6baf" aka "n1" (a8a758)  Pipeline: ingress
+    table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=100  , match=(eth.src[40]), 
+    table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=100  , match=(vlan.present), 
+  ...
+  Datapath: "neutron-5b6baf" aka "n1" (a8a758)  Pipeline: egress
+    table=0 (ls_out_pre_lb      ), priority=0    , match=(1), action=(next;)
+    table=1 (ls_out_pre_acl     ), priority=0    , match=(1), action=(next;)
+  ...
+We have one hypervisor (aka "compute node", in OpenStack parlance),
+which is the one where we're running all these commands.  On this
+hypervisor, ovn-controller is translating OVN logical flows into
+OpenFlow flows ("physical flows").  It makes sense to go deeper, to
+see the OpenFlow flows that get generated from this datapath.  By
+adding ``--ovs`` to the ``ovn-sbctl`` command, we can see OpenFlow
+flows listed just below their logical flows.  We also need to use
+``sudo`` because connecting to Open vSwitch is privileged.  Go ahead
+and try it::
+  $ sudo ovn-sbctl --ovs lflow-list n1 | abbrev
+  Datapath: "neutron-5b6baf" aka "n1" (a8a758)  Pipeline: ingress
+    table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=100  , match=(eth.src[40]), 
+    table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=100  , match=(vlan.present), 
+  ...
+  Datapath: "neutron-5b6baf" aka "n1" (a8a758)  Pipeline: egress
+    table=0 (ls_out_pre_lb      ), priority=0    , match=(1), action=(next;)
+    table=1 (ls_out_pre_acl     ), priority=0    , match=(1), action=(next;)
+  ...
+You were probably disappointed: the output didn't change, and no
+OpenFlow flows were printed.  That's because no OpenFlow flows are
+installed for this logical datapath, which in turn is because there
+are no VIFs for this logical datapath on the local hypervisor.  For a
+better example, you can try ``ovn-sbctl --ovs`` on one of the other
+logical datapaths.
+Attaching VMs
+A switch without any ports is not very interesting.  Let's create a
+couple of VMs and attach them to the switch.  Run the following
+commands, which create VMs named ``a`` and ``b`` and attaches them to
+our network ``n1`` with IP addresses and,
+respectively.  It is not actually necessary to manually assign IP
+address assignments, since OpenStack is perfectly happy to assign them
+itself from the subnet's IP address range, but predictable addresses
+are useful for our discussion::
+  $ openstack server create --nic net-id=n1,v4-fixed-ip= --flavor 
m1.nano --image $IMAGE_ID --key-name demo a
+  $ openstack server create --nic net-id=n1,v4-fixed-ip= --flavor 
m1.nano --image $IMAGE_ID --key-name demo b
+These commands return before the VMs are really finished being built.
+You can run ``openstack server list`` a few times until each of them
+is shown in the state ACTIVE, which means that they're not just built
+but already running on the local hypervisor.
+These operations had the side effect of creating separate "port"
+objects, but without giving those ports any easy-to-read names.  It'll
+be easier to deal with them later if we can refer to them by name, so
+let's name ``a``'s port ``ap`` and ``b``'s port ``bp``::
+  $ openstack port set --name ap $(openstack port list --server a -f value -c 
+  $ openstack port set --name bp $(openstack port list --server b -f value -c 
+We'll need to refer to these ports' MAC addresses a few times, so
+let's put them in variables::
+  $ AP_MAC=$(openstack port show -f value -c mac_address ap)
+  $ BP_MAC=$(openstack port show -f value -c mac_address bp)
+At this point you can log into the consoles of the VMs if you like.
+You can do that from the OpenStack web interface or get a direct URL
+to paste into a web browser using a command like::
+  $ openstack console url show -f yaml a
+(The option ``-f yaml`` keeps the URL in the output from being broken
+into noncontiguous pieces on a 80-column console.)
+The VMs don't have many tools in them but ``ping`` and ``ssh`` from
+one to the other should work fine.  The VMs do not have any external
+network access or DNS configuration.
+Let's chase down what's changed in OVN.  Start with the NB DB at the
+top of the system.  It's clear that our logical switch now has the two
+logical ports attached to it::
+  $ ovn-nbctl show | abbrev
+  ...
+  switch 3eb263 (neutron-5b6baf) (aka n1)
+      port c29d41 (aka bp)
+         addresses: ["fa:16:3e:99:7a:17"]
+      port 820c08 (aka ap)
+         addresses: ["fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7"]
+  ...
+We can get some more details on each of these by looking at their NB
+DB records in the Logical_Switch_Port table.  Each port has addressing
+information, port security enabled, and a pointer to DHCP
+configuration (which we'll look at much later in `DHCP`_)::
+  $ ovn-nbctl list logical_switch_port ap bp | abbrev
+  _uuid               : ef17e5
+  addresses           : ["fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7"]
+  dhcpv4_options      : 165974
+  dhcpv6_options      : []
+  dynamic_addresses   : []
+  enabled             : true
+  external_ids        : {"neutron:port_name"=ap}
+  name                : "820c08"
+  options             : {}
+  parent_name         : []
+  port_security       : ["fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7"]
+  tag                 : []
+  tag_request         : []
+  type                : ""
+  up                  : true
+  _uuid               : e8af12
+  addresses           : ["fa:16:3e:99:7a:17"]
+  dhcpv4_options      : 165974
+  dhcpv6_options      : []
+  dynamic_addresses   : []
+  enabled             : true
+  external_ids        : {"neutron:port_name"=bp}
+  name                : "c29d41"
+  options             : {}
+  parent_name         : []
+  port_security       : ["fa:16:3e:99:7a:17"]
+  tag                 : []
+  tag_request         : []
+  type                : ""
+  up                  : true
+Now that the logical switch is less pathological, it's worth taking
+another look at the SB DB logical flow table.  Try a command like
+  $ ovn-sbctl lflow-list n1 | abbrev | less -S
+and then glance through the flows.  Packets that egress a VM into the
+logical switch travel through the flow table's ingress pipeline
+starting from table 0.  At each table, the switch finds the
+highest-priority logical flow that matches and executes its actions,
+or if there's no matching flow then the packet is dropped.  The
+``ovn-sb``\(5) manpage gives all the details, but with a little
+thought it's possible to guess a lot without reading the manpage.  For
+example, consider the flows in ingress pipeline table 0, which are the
+first flows encountered by a packet traversing the switch::
+  table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=100  , match=(eth.src[40]), 
+  table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=100  , match=(vlan.present), 
+  table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=50   , match=(inport == "820c08" && 
eth.src == {fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7}), action=(next;)
+  table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=50   , match=(inport == "c29d41" && 
eth.src == {fa:16:3e:99:7a:17}), action=(next;)
+The first two flows, with priority 100, immediately drop two kinds of
+invalid packets: those with a multicast or broadcast Ethernet source
+address (since multicast is only for packet destinations) and those
+with a VLAN tag (because OVN doesn't yet support VLAN tags inside
+logical networks).  The next two flows implement L2 port security:
+they advance to the next table for packets with the correct Ethernet
+source addresses for their ingress ports.  A packet that does not
+match any flow is implicitly dropped, so there's no need for flows to
+deal with mismatches.
+The logical flow table includes many other flows, some of which we
+will look at later.  For now, it's most worth looking at ingress table
+  table=13(ls_in_l2_lkup      ), priority=100  , match=(eth.mcast), 
action=(outport = "_MC_flood"; output;)
+  table=13(ls_in_l2_lkup      ), priority=50   , match=(eth.dst == 
fa:16:3e:99:7a:17), action=(outport = "c29d41"; output;)
+  table=13(ls_in_l2_lkup      ), priority=50   , match=(eth.dst == 
fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7), action=(outport = "820c08"; output;)
+The first flow in table 13 checks whether the packet is an Ethernet
+multicast or broadcast and, if so, outputs it to a special port that
+egresses to every logical port (other than the ingress port).
+Otherwise the packet is output to the port corresponding to its
+Ethernet destination address.  Packets addressed to any other Ethernet
+destination are implicitly dropped.
+(It's common for an OVN logical switch to know all the MAC addresses
+supported by its logical ports, like this one.  That's why there's no
+logic here for MAC learning or flooding packets to unknown MAC
+addresses.  OVN does support unknown MAC handling but that's not in
+play in our example.)
+.. note::
+  If you're interested in the details for the multicast group, you can
+  run a command like the following and then look at the row for the
+  correct datapath::
+    $ ovn-sbctl find multicast_group name=_MC_flood | abbrev
+Now if you want to look at the OpenFlow flows, you can actually see
+them.  For example, here's the beginning of the output that lists the
+first four logical flows, which we already looked at above, and their
+corresponding OpenFlow flows.  If you want to know more about the
+syntax, the ``ovs-fields``\(7) manpage explains OpenFlow matches and
+``ovs-ofctl``\(8) explains OpenFlow actions::
+  $ sudo ovn-sbctl --ovs lflow-list n1 | abbrev
+  Datapath: "neutron-5b6baf" aka "n1" (a8a758)  Pipeline: ingress
+    table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=100  , match=(eth.src[40]), 
+      table=16 metadata=0x4,dl_src=01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00 
+    table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=100  , match=(vlan.present), 
+      table=16 metadata=0x4,vlan_tci=0x1000/0x1000 actions=drop
+    table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=50   , match=(inport == "820c08" 
&& eth.src == {fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7}), action=(next;)
+      table=16 reg14=0x1,metadata=0x4,dl_src=fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7 
+    table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=50   , match=(inport == "c29d41" 
&& eth.src == {fa:16:3e:99:7a:17}), action=(next;)
+      table=16 reg14=0x2,metadata=0x4,dl_src=fa:16:3e:99:7a:17 
+  ...
+Logical Tracing
+Let's go a level deeper.  So far, everything we've done has been
+fairly general.  We can also look at something more specific: the path
+that a particular packet would take through OVN, logically, and Open
+vSwitch, physically.
+Let's use OVN's ovn-trace utility to see what happens to packets from
+a logical point of view.  The ``ovn-trace``\(8) manpage has a lot of
+detail on how to do that, but let's just start by building up from a
+simple example.  You can start with a command that just specifies the
+logical datapath, an input port, and nothing else; unspecified fields
+default to all-zeros.  This doesn't do much::
+  $ ovn-trace n1 'inport == "ap"'
+  ...
+  ingress(dp="n1", inport="ap")
+  -----------------------------
+   0. ls_in_port_sec_l2: no match (implicit drop)
+We see that the packet was dropped in logical table 0,
+"ls_in_port_sec_l2", the L2 port security stage (as we discussed
+earlier).  That's because we didn't use the right Ethernet source
+address for ``a``.  Let's see what happens if we do::
+  $ ovn-trace n1 'inport == "ap" && eth.src == '$AP_MAC
+  ...
+  ingress(dp="n1", inport="ap")
+  -----------------------------
+   0. ls_in_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3234): inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
{fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7}, priority 50, uuid 6dcc418a
+      next;
+  13. ls_in_l2_lkup: no match (implicit drop)
+Now the packet passes through L2 port security and skips through
+several other tables until it gets dropped in the L2 lookup stage
+(because the destination is unknown).  Let's add the Ethernet
+destination for ``b``::
+  $ ovn-trace n1 'inport == "ap" && eth.src == '$AP_MAC' && eth.dst == 
+  ...
+  ingress(dp="n1", inport="ap")
+  -----------------------------
+   0. ls_in_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3234): inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
{fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7}, priority 50, uuid 6dcc418a
+      next;
+  13. ls_in_l2_lkup (ovn-northd.c:3529): eth.dst == fa:16:3e:99:7a:17, 
priority 50, uuid 57a4c46f
+      outport = "bp";
+      output;
+  egress(dp="n1", inport="ap", outport="bp")
+  ------------------------------------------
+   8. ls_out_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3654): outport == "bp" && eth.dst == 
{fa:16:3e:99:7a:17}, priority 50, uuid 8aa6426d
+      output;
+      /* output to "bp", type "" */
+You can see that in this case the packet gets properly switched from
+``a`` to ``b``.
+Physical Tracing for Hypothetical Packets
+ovn-trace showed us how a hypothetical packet would travel through the
+system in a logical fashion, that is, without regard to how VMs are
+distributed across the physical network.  This is a convenient
+representation for understanding how OVN is **supposed** to work
+abstractly, but sometimes we might want to know more about how it
+actually works in the real systems where it is running.  For this, we
+can use the tracing tool that Open vSwitch provides, which traces
+a hypothetical packet through the OpenFlow tables.
+We can actually get two levels of detail.  Let's start with the
+version that's easier to interpret, by physically tracing a packet
+that looks like the one we logically traced before.  One obstacle is
+that we need to know the OpenFlow port number of the input port.  One
+way to do that is to look for a port whose "attached-mac" is the one
+we expect and print its ofport number::
+  $ AP_PORT=$(ovs-vsctl --bare --columns=ofport find  interface 
+  $ echo $AP_PORT
+  3
+(You could also just do a plain ``ovs-vsctl list interface`` and then
+look through for the right row and pick its ``ofport`` value.)
+Now we can feed this input port number into ``ovs-appctl
+ofproto/trace`` along with the correct Ethernet source and
+destination addresses and get a physical trace::
+  $ sudo ovs-appctl ofproto/trace br-int 
+  Flow: 
+  bridge("br-int")
+  ----------------
+   0. in_port=3, priority 100
+      set_field:0x8->reg13
+      set_field:0x9->reg11
+      set_field:0xa->reg12
+      set_field:0x4->metadata
+      set_field:0x1->reg14
+      resubmit(,16)
+  16. reg14=0x1,metadata=0x4,dl_src=fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7, priority 50, cookie 
+      resubmit(,17)
+  17. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x8fe8689e
+      resubmit(,18)
+  18. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x719549d1
+      resubmit(,19)
+  19. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x39c99e6f
+      resubmit(,20)
+  20. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x838152a3
+      resubmit(,21)
+  21. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x918259e3
+      resubmit(,22)
+  22. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0xcad14db2
+      resubmit(,23)
+  23. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x7834d912
+      resubmit(,24)
+  24. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x87745210
+      resubmit(,25)
+  25. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x34951929
+      resubmit(,26)
+  26. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0xd7a8c9fb
+      resubmit(,27)
+  27. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0xd02e9578
+      resubmit(,28)
+  28. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x42d35507
+      resubmit(,29)
+  29. metadata=0x4,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:99:7a:17, priority 50, cookie 0x57a4c46f
+      set_field:0x2->reg15
+      resubmit(,32)
+  32. priority 0
+      resubmit(,33)
+  33. reg15=0x2,metadata=0x4, priority 100
+      set_field:0xb->reg13
+      set_field:0x9->reg11
+      set_field:0xa->reg12
+      resubmit(,34)
+  34. priority 0
+      set_field:0->reg0
+      set_field:0->reg1
+      set_field:0->reg2
+      set_field:0->reg3
+      set_field:0->reg4
+      set_field:0->reg5
+      set_field:0->reg6
+      set_field:0->reg7
+      set_field:0->reg8
+      set_field:0->reg9
+      resubmit(,48)
+  48. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0xde9f3899
+      resubmit(,49)
+  49. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x74074eff
+      resubmit(,50)
+  50. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x7789c8b1
+      resubmit(,51)
+  51. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0xa6b002c0
+      resubmit(,52)
+  52. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0xaeab2b45
+      resubmit(,53)
+  53. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x290cc4d4
+      resubmit(,54)
+  54. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0xa3223b88
+      resubmit(,55)
+  55. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x7ac2132e
+      resubmit(,56)
+  56. reg15=0x2,metadata=0x4,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:99:7a:17, priority 50, cookie 
+      resubmit(,64)
+  64. priority 0
+      resubmit(,65)
+  65. reg15=0x2,metadata=0x4, priority 100
+      output:4
+  Final flow: 
+  Megaflow: 
+  Datapath actions: 4
+There's a lot there, which you can read through if you like, but the
+important part is::
+  65. reg15=0x2,metadata=0x4, priority 100
+      output:4
+which means that the packet is ultimately being output to OpenFlow
+port 4.  That's port ``b``, which you can confirm with::
+  $ sudo ovs-vsctl find interface ofport=5
+  _uuid               : 840a5aca-ea8d-4c16-a11b-a94e0f408091
+  admin_state         : up
+  bfd                 : {}
+  bfd_status          : {}
+  cfm_fault           : []
+  cfm_fault_status    : []
+  cfm_flap_count      : []
+  cfm_health          : []
+  cfm_mpid            : []
+  cfm_remote_mpids    : []
+  cfm_remote_opstate  : []
+  duplex              : full
+  error               : []
+  external_ids        : {attached-mac="fa:16:3e:99:7a:17", 
iface-id="c29d4120-20a4-4c44-bd83-8d91f5f447fd", iface-status=active, 
+  ifindex             : 9
+  ingress_policing_burst: 0
+  ingress_policing_rate: 0
+  lacp_current        : []
+  link_resets         : 1
+  link_speed          : 10000000
+  link_state          : up
+  lldp                : {}
+  mac                 : []
+  mac_in_use          : "fe:16:3e:99:7a:17"
+  mtu                 : 1500
+  mtu_request         : []
+  name                : "tapc29d4120-20"
+  ofport              : 4
+  ofport_request      : []
+  options             : {}
+  other_config        : {}
+  statistics          : {collisions=0, rx_bytes=4254, rx_crc_err=0, 
rx_dropped=0, rx_errors=0, rx_frame_err=0, rx_over_err=0, rx_packets=39, 
tx_bytes=4188, tx_dropped=0, tx_errors=0, tx_packets=39}
+  status              : {driver_name=tun, driver_version="1.6", 
+  type                : ""
+  $ BP_PORT=$(ovs-vsctl --bare --columns=ofport find  interface 
+  $ echo $BP_PORT
+  4
+Physical Tracing for Real Packets
+In the previous sections we traced a hypothetical L2 packet, one
+that's honestly not very realistic: we didn't even supply an Ethernet
+type, so it defaulted to zero, which isn't anything one would see on a
+real network.  We could refine our packet so that it becomes a more
+realistic TCP or UDP or ICMP, etc. packet, but let's try a different
+approach: working from a real packet.
+Pull up a console for VM ``a`` and start ``ping``, then leave
+it running for the rest of our experiment.
+Now go back to your DevStack session and run::
+  $ sudo watch ovs-dpctl dump-flows
+We're working with a new program.  ovn-dpctl is an interface to Open
+vSwitch datapaths, in this case to the Linux kernel datapath.  Its
+``dump-flows`` command displays the contents of the in-kernel flow
+cache, and by running it under the ``watch`` program we see a new
+snapshot of the flow table every 2 seconds.
+Look through the output for a flow that begins with ``recirc_id(0)``
+and matches the Ethernet source address for ``a``.  There is one flow
+per line, but the lines are very long, so it's easier to read if you
+make the window very wide.  This flow's packet counter should be
+increasing at a rate of 1 packet per second.  It looks something like
 packets:388, bytes:38024, used:0.977s, actions:ct(zone=8),recirc(0x18)
+We can hand the first part of this (everything up to the first space)
+to ``ofproto/trace``, and it will tell us what happens::
+  $ sudo ovs-appctl ofproto/trace 
+  Flow: 
+  bridge("br-int")
+  ----------------
+   0. in_port=3, priority 100
+      set_field:0x8->reg13
+      set_field:0x9->reg11
+      set_field:0xa->reg12
+      set_field:0x4->metadata
+      set_field:0x1->reg14
+      resubmit(,16)
+  16. reg14=0x1,metadata=0x4,dl_src=fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7, priority 50, cookie 
+      resubmit(,17)
+  17. ip,reg14=0x1,metadata=0x4,dl_src=fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7,nw_src=, 
priority 90, cookie 0x343af48c
+      resubmit(,18)
+  18. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x719549d1
+      resubmit(,19)
+  19. ip,metadata=0x4, priority 100, cookie 0x46c089e6
+      load:0x1->NXM_NX_XXREG0[96]
+      resubmit(,20)
+  20. metadata=0x4, priority 0, cookie 0x838152a3
+      resubmit(,21)
+  21. ip,reg0=0x1/0x1,metadata=0x4, priority 100, cookie 0xd1941634
+      ct(table=22,zone=NXM_NX_REG13[0..15])
+      drop
+  Final flow: 
+  Megaflow: 
+  Datapath actions: ct(zone=8),recirc(0xb)
+.. note::
+   Be careful cutting and pasting ``ovs-dpctl dump-flows`` output into
+   ``ofproto/trace`` because the latter has terrible error reporting.
+   If you add an extra line break, etc., it will likely give you a
+   useless error message.
+There's no ``output`` action in the output, but there are ``ct`` and
+``recirc`` actions (which you can see in the ``Datapath actions`` at
+the end).  The ``ct`` action tells the kernel to pass the packet
+through the kernel connection tracking for firewalling purposes and
+the ``recirc`` says to go back to the flow cache for another pass
+based on the firewall results.  The ``0xb`` value inside the
+``recirc`` gives us a hint to look at the kernel flows for a cached
+flow with ``recirc_id(0xb)``.  Indeed, there is one::
 packets:171, bytes:16758, used:0.271s, actions:ct(zone=11),recirc(0xc)
+We can then repeat our command with the match part of this kernel
+  $ sudo ovs-appctl ofproto/trace 
+  ...
+  Datapath actions: ct(zone=11),recirc(0xc)
+In other words, the flow passes through the connection tracker a
+second time.  The first time was for ``a``'s outgoing firewall; this
+second time is for ``b``'s incoming firewall.  Again, we continue
+tracing with ``recirc_id(0xc)``::
+  $ sudo ovs-appctl ofproto/trace 
+  ...
+  Datapath actions: 4
+It was took multiple hops, but we finally came to the end of the line
+where the packet was output to ``b`` after passing through both
+firewalls.  The port number here is a datapath port number, which is
+usually different from an OpenFlow port number.  To check that it is
+``b``'s port, we first list the datapath ports to get the name
+corresponding to the port number::
+  $ sudo ovs-dpctl show
+  system@ovs-system:
+         lookups: hit:1994 missed:56 lost:0
+         flows: 6
+         masks: hit:2340 total:4 hit/pkt:1.14
+         port 0: ovs-system (internal)
+         port 1: br-int (internal)
+         port 2: br-ex (internal)
+         port 3: tap820c0888-13
+         port 4: tapc29d4120-20
+and then confirm that this is the port we think it is with a command
+like this::
+  $ ovs-vsctl --columns=external-ids list interface tapc29d4120-20
+  external_ids        : {attached-mac="fa:16:3e:99:7a:17", 
iface-id="c29d4120-20a4-4c44-bd83-8d91f5f447fd", iface-status=active, 
+Finally, we can relate the OpenFlow flows from our traces back to OVN
+logical flows.  For individual flows, cut and paste a "cookie" value
+from ``ofproto/trace`` output into ``ovn-sbctl lflow-list``, e.g.::
+  $ ovn-sbctl lflow-list 0x6dcc418a|abbrev
+  Datapath: "neutron-5b6baf" aka "n1" (a8a758)  Pipeline: ingress
+    table=0 (ls_in_port_sec_l2  ), priority=50   , match=(inport == "820c08" 
&& eth.src == {fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7}), action=(next;)
+Or, you can pipe ``ofproto/trace`` output through ``ovn-detrace`` to
+annotate every flow::
+  $ sudo ovs-appctl ofproto/trace 
 | ovn-detrace
+  ...
+Previously we set up a pair of VMs ``a`` and ``b`` on a network ``n1``
+and demonstrated how packets make their way between them.  In this
+step, we'll set up a second network ``n2`` with a new VM ``c``,
+connect a router ``r`` to both networks, and demonstrate how routing
+works in OVN.
+There's nothing really new for the network and the VM so let's just go
+ahead and create them::
+  $ openstack network create --project admin --provider-network-type geneve n2
+  $ openstack subnet create --subnet-range --network n2 n2subnet
+  $ openstack server create --nic net-id=n2,v4-fixed-ip= --flavor 
m1.nano --image $IMAGE_ID --key-name demo c
+  $ openstack port set --name cp $(openstack port list --server c -f value -c 
+  $ CP_MAC=$(openstack port show -f value -c mac_address cp)
+The new network ``n2`` is not yet connected to ``n1`` in any way.  You
+can try tracing a broadcast packet from ``a`` to see, for example,
+that it doesn't make it to ``c``::
+  $ ovn-trace n1 'inport == "ap" && eth.src == '$AP_MAC' && eth.dst == '$CP_MAC
+  ...
+Now create an OpenStack router and connect it to ``n1`` and ``n2``::
+  $ openstack router create r
+  $ openstack router add subnet r n1subnet
+  $ openstack router add subnet r n2subnet
+Now ``a``, ``b``, and ``c`` should all be able to reach other.  You
+can get some verification that routing is taking place by running you
+``ping`` between ``c`` and one of the other VMs: the reported TTL
+should be one less than between ``a`` and ``b`` (63 instead of 64).
+Observe via ``ovn-nbctl`` the new OVN logical switch and router and
+then ports that connect them together::
+  $ ovn-nbctl show|abbrev
+  ...
+  switch f51234 (neutron-332346) (aka n2)
+      port 82b983
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-82b983
+      port 2e585f (aka cp)
+         addresses: ["fa:16:3e:89:f2:36"]
+  switch 3eb263 (neutron-5b6baf) (aka n1)
+      port c29d41 (aka bp)
+         addresses: ["fa:16:3e:99:7a:17"]
+      port 820c08 (aka ap)
+         addresses: ["fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7"]
+      port 17d870
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-17d870
+  ...
+  router dde06c (neutron-f88ebc) (aka r)
+      port lrp-82b983
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:19:9f:46"
+         networks: [""]
+      port lrp-17d870
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:f6:e2:8f"
+         networks: [""]
+We have not yet looked at the logical flows for an OVN logical router.
+You might find it of interest to look at them on your own::
+  $ ovn-sbctl lflow-list r | abbrev | less -S
+  ...
+Let's grab the ``n1subnet`` router porter MAC address to simplify
+later commands::
+  $ N1SUBNET_MAC=$(ovn-nbctl --bare --columns=mac find logical_router_port 
+Let's see what happens at the logical flow level for an ICMP packet
+from ``a`` to ``c``.  This generates a long trace but an interesting
+one, so we'll look at it bit by bit.  The first three stanzas in the
+output show the packet's ingress into ``n1`` and processing through
+the firewall on that side (via the "ct_next" connection-tracking
+action), and then the selection of the port that leads to router ``r``
+as the output port::
+  $ ovn-trace n1 'inport == "ap" && eth.src == '$AP_MAC' && eth.dst == 
'$N1SUBNET_MAC' && ip4.src == && ip4.dst == && ip.ttl == 64 
&& icmp4.type == 8'
+  ...
+  ingress(dp="n1", inport="ap")
+  -----------------------------
+   0. ls_in_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3234): inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
{fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7}, priority 50, uuid 6dcc418a
+      next;
+   1. ls_in_port_sec_ip (ovn-northd.c:2364): inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7 && ip4.src == {}, priority 90, uuid 343af48c
+      next;
+   3. ls_in_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2646): ip, priority 100, uuid 46c089e6
+      reg0[0] = 1;
+      next;
+   5. ls_in_pre_stateful (ovn-northd.c:2764): reg0[0] == 1, priority 100, uuid 
+      ct_next;
+  ct_next(ct_state=est|trk /* default (use --ct to customize) */)
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------
+   6. ls_in_acl (ovn-northd.c:2925): ! && ct.est && !ct.rpl && 
ct_label.blocked == 0 && (inport == "ap" && ip4), priority 2002, uuid a12b39f0
+      next;
+  13. ls_in_l2_lkup (ovn-northd.c:3529): eth.dst == fa:16:3e:f6:e2:8f, 
priority 50, uuid c43ead31
+      outport = "17d870";
+      output;
+  egress(dp="n1", inport="ap", outport="17d870")
+  ----------------------------------------------
+   1. ls_out_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2626): ip && outport == "17d870", priority 
110, uuid 60395450
+      next;
+   8. ls_out_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3654): outport == "17d870", priority 
50, uuid 91b5cab0
+      output;
+      /* output to "17d870", type "patch" */
+The next two stanzas represent processing through logical router
+``r``.  The processing in table 5 is the core of the routing
+implementation: it recognizes that the packet is destined for an
+attached subnet, decrements the TTL and updates the Ethernet source
+address.  Table 6 then selects the Ethernet destination address based
+on the IP destination.  The packet then passes to switch ``n2`` via an
+OVN "logical patch port"::
+  ingress(dp="r", inport="lrp-17d870")
+  ------------------------------------
+   0. lr_in_admission (ovn-northd.c:4071): eth.dst == fa:16:3e:f6:e2:8f && 
inport == "lrp-17d870", priority 50, uuid fa5270b0
+      next;
+   5. lr_in_ip_routing (ovn-northd.c:3782): ip4.dst ==, priority 
49, uuid 5f9d469f
+      ip.ttl--;
+      reg0 = ip4.dst;
+      reg1 =;
+      eth.src = fa:16:3e:19:9f:46;
+      outport = "lrp-82b983";
+      flags.loopback = 1;
+      next;
+   6. lr_in_arp_resolve (ovn-northd.c:5088): outport == "lrp-82b983" && reg0 
==, priority 100, uuid 03d506d3
+      eth.dst = fa:16:3e:89:f2:36;
+      next;
+   8. lr_in_arp_request (ovn-northd.c:5260): 1, priority 0, uuid 6dacdd82
+      output;
+  egress(dp="r", inport="lrp-17d870", outport="lrp-82b983")
+  ---------------------------------------------------------
+   3. lr_out_delivery (ovn-northd.c:5288): outport == "lrp-82b983", priority 
100, uuid 00bea4f2
+      output;
+      /* output to "lrp-82b983", type "patch" */
+Finally the logical switch for ``n2`` runs through the same logic as
+``n1`` and the packet is delivered to VM ``c``::
+  ingress(dp="n2", inport="82b983")
+  ---------------------------------
+   0. ls_in_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3234): inport == "82b983", priority 50, 
uuid 9a789e06
+      next;
+   3. ls_in_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2624): ip && inport == "82b983", priority 
110, uuid ab52f21a
+      next;
+  13. ls_in_l2_lkup (ovn-northd.c:3529): eth.dst == fa:16:3e:89:f2:36, 
priority 50, uuid dcafb3e9
+      outport = "cp";
+      output;
+  egress(dp="n2", inport="82b983", outport="cp")
+  ----------------------------------------------
+   1. ls_out_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2648): ip, priority 100, uuid cd9cfa74
+      reg0[0] = 1;
+      next;
+   2. ls_out_pre_stateful (ovn-northd.c:2766): reg0[0] == 1, priority 100, 
uuid 9e8e22c5
+      ct_next;
+  ct_next(ct_state=est|trk /* default (use --ct to customize) */)
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------
+   4. ls_out_acl (ovn-northd.c:2925): ! && ct.est && !ct.rpl && 
ct_label.blocked == 0 && (outport == "cp" && ip4 && ip4.src == 
$as_ip4_0fc1b6cf_f925_49e6_8f00_6dd13beca9dc), priority 2002, uuid a746fa0d
+      next;
+   7. ls_out_port_sec_ip (ovn-northd.c:2364): outport == "cp" && eth.dst == 
fa:16:3e:89:f2:36 && ip4.dst == {,,}, 
priority 90, uuid 4d9862b5
+      next;
+   8. ls_out_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3654): outport == "cp" && eth.dst == 
{fa:16:3e:89:f2:36}, priority 50, uuid 0242cdc3
+      output;
+      /* output to "cp", type "" */
+Physical Tracing
+It's possible to use ``ofproto/trace``, just as before, to trace a
+packet through OpenFlow tables, either for a hypothetical packet or
+one that you get from a real test case using ``ovs-dpctl``.  The
+process is just the same as before and the output is almost the same,
+too.  Using a router doesn't actually introduce any interesting new
+wrinkles, so we'll skip over this for this case and for the remainder
+of the tutorial, but you can follow the steps on your own if you like.
+Adding a Gateway
+The VMs that we've created can access each other but they are isolated
+from the physical world.  In OpenStack, the dominant way to connect a
+VM to external networks is by creating what is called a "floating IP
+address", which uses network address translation to connect an
+external address to an internal one.
+DevStack created a pair of networks named "private" and "public".  To
+use a floating IP address from a VM, we first add a port to the VM
+with an IP address from the "private" network, then we create a
+floating IP address on the "public" network, then we associate the
+port with the floating IP address.
+Let's add a new VM ``d`` with a floating IP::
+  $ openstack server create --nic net-id=private --flavor m1.nano --image 
$IMAGE_ID --key-name demo d
+  $ openstack port set --name dp $(openstack port list --server d -f value -c 
+  $ DP_MAC=$(openstack port show -f value -c mac_address dp)
+  $ openstack floating ip create --floating-ip-address public
+  $ openstack server add floating ip d
+(We specified a particular floating IP address to make the examples
+easier to follow, but without that OpenStack will automatically
+allocate one.)
+It's also necessary to configure the "public" network because DevStack
+does not do it automatically::
+  $ sudo ip link set br-ex up
+  $ sudo ip route add dev br-ex
+  $ sudo ip addr add dev br-ex
+Now you should be able to "ping" VM ``d`` from the OpenStack host::
+  $ ping
+  PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
+  64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=56.0 ms
+  64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=1.44 ms
+  64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=1.04 ms
+  64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=0.403 ms
+  ^C
+  --- ping statistics ---
+  4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3003ms
+  rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.403/14.731/56.028/23.845 ms
+You can also SSH in with the key that we created during setup::
+  $ ssh -i ~/id_rsa_demo cirros@
+Let's dive in and see how this gets implemented in OVN.  First, the
+relevant parts of the NB DB for the "public" and "private" networks
+and the router between them::
+  $ ovn-nbctl show | abbrev
+  switch 2579f4 (neutron-d1ac28) (aka public)
+      port provnet-d1ac28
+         type: localnet
+         addresses: ["unknown"]
+      port ae9b52
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-ae9b52
+  switch 5b3d5f (neutron-c02c4d) (aka private)
+      port b256dd
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-b256dd
+      port f264e7
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-f264e7
+      port cae25b (aka dp)
+         addresses: ["fa:16:3e:c1:f5:a2 
+  ...
+  router c59ad2 (neutron-9b057f) (aka router1)
+      port lrp-ae9b52
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:b2:d2:67"
+         networks: ["", "2001:db8::b/64"]
+      port lrp-b256dd
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:35:33:db"
+         networks: ["fdb0:5860:4ba8::1/64"]
+      port lrp-f264e7
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:fc:c8:da"
+         networks: [""]
+      nat 788c6d
+         external ip: ""
+         logical ip: ""
+         type: "dnat_and_snat"
+      nat 80914c
+         external ip: ""
+         logical ip: ""
+         type: "snat"
+  ...
+What we see is:
+* VM ``d`` is on the "private" switch under its private IP address
+  The "private" switch is connected to "router1" via two
+  router ports (one for IPv4, one for IPv6).
+* The "public" switch is connected to "router1" and to the physical
+  network via a "localnet" port.
+* "router1" is in the middle between "private" and "public".  In
+  addition to the router ports that connect to these switches, it has
+  "nat" entries that direct network address translation.  The
+  translation between floating IP address and private
+  address makes perfect sense.
+When the NB DB gets translated into logical flows at the southbound
+layer, the "nat" entries get translated into IP matches that then
+invoke "ct_snat" and "ct_dnat" actions.  The details are intricate,
+but you can get some of the idea by just looking for relevant flows::
+  $ ovn-sbctl lflow-list router1 | abbrev | grep nat | grep -E 
+    table=3 (lr_in_unsnat       ), priority=100  , match=(ip && ip4.dst == && inport == "lrp-ae9b52" && is_chassis_resident("cr-lrp-ae9b52")), 
+    table=3 (lr_in_unsnat       ), priority=50   , match=(ip && ip4.dst ==, action=(reg9[0] = 1; next;)
+    table=4 (lr_in_dnat         ), priority=100  , match=(ip && ip4.dst == && inport == "lrp-ae9b52" && is_chassis_resident("cr-lrp-ae9b52")), 
+    table=4 (lr_in_dnat         ), priority=50   , match=(ip && ip4.dst ==, action=(reg9[0] = 1; next;)
+    table=1 (lr_out_snat        ), priority=33   , match=(ip && ip4.src == && outport == "lrp-ae9b52" && is_chassis_resident("cr-lrp-ae9b52")), 
+Let's take a look at how a packet passes through this whole gauntlet.
+The first two stanzas just show the packet traveling through the
+"public" network and being forwarded to the "router1" network::
+  $ ovn-trace public 'inport == "provnet-d1ac2896-18a7-4bca-8f46-b21e2370e5b1" 
&& eth.src == 00:01:02:03:04:05 && eth.dst == fa:16:3e:b2:d2:67 && ip4.src == && ip4.dst == && ip.ttl == 64 && icmp4.type==8'
+  ...
+  ingress(dp="public", inport="provnet-d1ac28")
+  ---------------------------------------------
+   0. ls_in_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3234): inport == "provnet-d1ac28", 
priority 50, uuid 8d86fb06
+      next;
+  10. ls_in_arp_rsp (ovn-northd.c:3266): inport == "provnet-d1ac28", priority 
100, uuid 21313eff
+      next;
+  13. ls_in_l2_lkup (ovn-northd.c:3571): eth.dst == fa:16:3e:b2:d2:67 && 
is_chassis_resident("cr-lrp-ae9b52"), priority 50, uuid 7f28f51f
+      outport = "ae9b52";
+      output;
+  egress(dp="public", inport="provnet-d1ac28", outport="ae9b52")
+  --------------------------------------------------------------
+   8. ls_out_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3654): outport == "ae9b52", priority 
50, uuid 72fea396
+      output;
+      /* output to "ae9b52", type "patch" */
+In "router1", first the ``ct_snat`` action without an argument
+attempts to "un-SNAT" the packet.  ovn-trace treats this as a no-op,
+because it doesn't have any state for tracking connections.  As an
+alternative, it invokes ``ct_dnat(`` to NAT the destination
+  ingress(dp="router1", inport="lrp-ae9b52")
+  ------------------------------------------
+   0. lr_in_admission (ovn-northd.c:4071): eth.dst == fa:16:3e:b2:d2:67 && 
inport == "lrp-ae9b52" && is_chassis_resident("cr-lrp-ae9b52"), priority 50, 
uuid 8c6945c2
+      next;
+   3. lr_in_unsnat (ovn-northd.c:4591): ip && ip4.dst == && inport 
== "lrp-ae9b52" && is_chassis_resident("cr-lrp-ae9b52"), priority 100, uuid 
+      ct_snat;
+  ct_snat /* assuming no un-snat entry, so no change */
+  -----------------------------------------------------
+   4. lr_in_dnat (ovn-northd.c:4649): ip && ip4.dst == && inport == 
"lrp-ae9b52" && is_chassis_resident("cr-lrp-ae9b52"), priority 100, uuid 
+      ct_dnat(;
+Still in "router1", the routing and output steps transmit the packet
+to the "private" network::
+  ct_dnat(ip4.dst=
+  -------------------------
+   5. lr_in_ip_routing (ovn-northd.c:3782): ip4.dst ==, priority 
53, uuid 86e005b0
+      ip.ttl--;
+      reg0 = ip4.dst;
+      reg1 =;
+      eth.src = fa:16:3e:fc:c8:da;
+      outport = "lrp-f264e7";
+      flags.loopback = 1;
+      next;
+   6. lr_in_arp_resolve (ovn-northd.c:5088): outport == "lrp-f264e7" && reg0 
==, priority 100, uuid 2963d67c
+      eth.dst = fa:16:3e:c1:f5:a2;
+      next;
+   8. lr_in_arp_request (ovn-northd.c:5260): 1, priority 0, uuid eea419b7
+      output;
+  egress(dp="router1", inport="lrp-ae9b52", outport="lrp-f264e7")
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------
+   3. lr_out_delivery (ovn-northd.c:5288): outport == "lrp-f264e7", priority 
100, uuid 42dadc23
+      output;
+      /* output to "lrp-f264e7", type "patch" */
+In the "private" network, the packet passes through VM ``d``'s
+firewall and is output to ``d``::
+  ingress(dp="private", inport="f264e7")
+  --------------------------------------
+   0. ls_in_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3234): inport == "f264e7", priority 50, 
uuid 5b721214
+      next;
+   3. ls_in_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2624): ip && inport == "f264e7", priority 
110, uuid 5bdc3209
+      next;
+  13. ls_in_l2_lkup (ovn-northd.c:3529): eth.dst == fa:16:3e:c1:f5:a2, 
priority 50, uuid 7957f80f
+      outport = "dp";
+      output;
+  egress(dp="private", inport="f264e7", outport="dp")
+  ---------------------------------------------------
+   1. ls_out_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2648): ip, priority 100, uuid 4981c79d
+      reg0[0] = 1;
+      next;
+   2. ls_out_pre_stateful (ovn-northd.c:2766): reg0[0] == 1, priority 100, 
uuid 247e02eb
+      ct_next;
+  ct_next(ct_state=est|trk /* default (use --ct to customize) */)
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------
+   4. ls_out_acl (ovn-northd.c:2925): ! && ct.est && !ct.rpl && 
ct_label.blocked == 0 && (outport == "dp" && ip4 && ip4.src == && 
icmp4), priority 2002, uuid b860fc9f
+      next;
+   7. ls_out_port_sec_ip (ovn-northd.c:2364): outport == "dp" && eth.dst == 
fa:16:3e:c1:f5:a2 && ip4.dst == {,,}, 
priority 90, uuid 15655a98
+      next;
+   8. ls_out_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3654): outport == "dp" && eth.dst == 
{fa:16:3e:c1:f5:a2}, priority 50, uuid 5916f94b
+      output;
+      /* output to "dp", type "" */
+OVN supports IPv6 logical routing.  Let's try it out.
+The first step is to add an IPv6 subnet to networks ``n1`` and ``n2``,
+then attach those subnets to our router ``r``.  As usual, though
+OpenStack can assign addresses itself, we use fixed ones to make the
+discussion easier::
+  $ openstack subnet create --ip-version 6 --subnet-range fc11::/64 --network 
n1 n1subnet6
+  $ openstack subnet create --ip-version 6 --subnet-range fc22::/64 --network 
n2 n2subnet6
+  $ openstack router add subnet r n1subnet6
+  $ openstack router add subnet r n2subnet6
+Then we add an IPv6 address to each of our VMs::
+  $ A_PORT_ID=$(openstack port list --server a -f value -c ID)
+  $ openstack port set --fixed-ip subnet=n1subnet6,ip-address=fc11::5 
+  $ B_PORT_ID=$(openstack port list --server b -f value -c ID)
+  $ openstack port set --fixed-ip subnet=n1subnet6,ip-address=fc11::6 
+  $ C_PORT_ID=$(openstack port list --server c -f value -c ID)
+  $ openstack port set --fixed-ip subnet=n2subnet6,ip-address=fc22::7 
+At least for me, the new IPv6 addresses didn't automatically get
+propagated into the VMs.  To do it by hand, pull up the console for
+``a`` and run::
+  $ sudo ip addr add fc11::5/64 dev eth0
+  $ sudo ip route add via fc11::1
+Then in ``b``::
+  $ sudo ip addr add fc11::6/64 dev eth0
+  $ sudo ip route add via fc11::1
+Finally in ``c``::
+  $ sudo ip addr add fc22::7/64 dev eth0
+  $ sudo ip route add via fc22::1
+Now you should have working IPv6 routing through router ``r``.  The
+relevant parts of the NB DB look like the following.  The interesting
+parts are the new ``fc11::`` and ``fc22::`` addresses on the ports in
+``n1`` and ``n2`` and the new IPv6 router ports in ``r``::
+  $ ovn-nbctl show | abbrev
+  ...
+  switch f51234 (neutron-332346) (aka n2)
+      port 1a8162
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-1a8162
+      port 82b983
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-82b983
+      port 2e585f (aka cp)
+         addresses: ["fa:16:3e:89:f2:36 fc22::7"]
+  switch 3eb263 (neutron-5b6baf) (aka n1)
+      port ad952e
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-ad952e
+      port c29d41 (aka bp)
+         addresses: ["fa:16:3e:99:7a:17 fc11::6"]
+      port 820c08 (aka ap)
+         addresses: ["fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7 fc11::5"]
+      port 17d870
+         type: router
+         router-port: lrp-17d870
+  ...
+  router dde06c (neutron-f88ebc) (aka r)
+      port lrp-1a8162
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:06:de:ad"
+         networks: ["fc22::1/64"]
+      port lrp-82b983
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:19:9f:46"
+         networks: [""]
+      port lrp-ad952e
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:ef:2f:8b"
+         networks: ["fc11::1/64"]
+      port lrp-17d870
+         mac: "fa:16:3e:f6:e2:8f"
+         networks: [""]
+Try tracing a packet from ``a`` to ``c``.  The results correspond
+closely to those for IPv4 which we already discussed back under
+  $ N1SUBNET6_MAC=$(ovn-nbctl --bare --columns=mac find logical_router_port 
+  $ ovn-trace n1 'inport == "ap" && eth.src == '$AP_MAC' && eth.dst == 
'$N1SUBNET6_MAC' && ip6.src == fc11::5 && ip6.dst == fc22::7 && ip.ttl == 64 && 
icmp6.type == 8'
+  ...
+  ingress(dp="n1", inport="ap")
+  -----------------------------
+   0. ls_in_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3234): inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
{fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7}, priority 50, uuid 6dcc418a
+      next;
+   1. ls_in_port_sec_ip (ovn-northd.c:2390): inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7 && ip6.src == {fe80::f816:3eff:fea9:4cc7, fc11::5}, priority 
90, uuid 604810ea
+      next;
+   3. ls_in_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2646): ip, priority 100, uuid 46c089e6
+      reg0[0] = 1;
+      next;
+   5. ls_in_pre_stateful (ovn-northd.c:2764): reg0[0] == 1, priority 100, uuid 
+      ct_next;
+  ct_next(ct_state=est|trk /* default (use --ct to customize) */)
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------
+   6. ls_in_acl (ovn-northd.c:2925): ! && ct.est && !ct.rpl && 
ct_label.blocked == 0 && (inport == "ap" && ip6), priority 2002, uuid 7fdd607e
+      next;
+  13. ls_in_l2_lkup (ovn-northd.c:3529): eth.dst == fa:16:3e:ef:2f:8b, 
priority 50, uuid e1d87fc5
+      outport = "ad952e";
+      output;
+  egress(dp="n1", inport="ap", outport="ad952e")
+  ----------------------------------------------
+   1. ls_out_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2626): ip && outport == "ad952e", priority 
110, uuid 88f68988
+      next;
+   8. ls_out_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3654): outport == "ad952e", priority 
50, uuid 5935755e
+      output;
+      /* output to "ad952e", type "patch" */
+  ingress(dp="r", inport="lrp-ad952e")
+  ------------------------------------
+   0. lr_in_admission (ovn-northd.c:4071): eth.dst == fa:16:3e:ef:2f:8b && 
inport == "lrp-ad952e", priority 50, uuid ddfeb712
+      next;
+   5. lr_in_ip_routing (ovn-northd.c:3782): ip6.dst == fc22::/64, priority 
129, uuid cc2130ec
+      ip.ttl--;
+      xxreg0 = ip6.dst;
+      xxreg1 = fc22::1;
+      eth.src = fa:16:3e:06:de:ad;
+      outport = "lrp-1a8162";
+      flags.loopback = 1;
+      next;
+   6. lr_in_arp_resolve (ovn-northd.c:5122): outport == "lrp-1a8162" && xxreg0 
== fc22::7, priority 100, uuid bcf75288
+      eth.dst = fa:16:3e:89:f2:36;
+      next;
+   8. lr_in_arp_request (ovn-northd.c:5260): 1, priority 0, uuid 6dacdd82
+      output;
+  egress(dp="r", inport="lrp-ad952e", outport="lrp-1a8162")
+  ---------------------------------------------------------
+   3. lr_out_delivery (ovn-northd.c:5288): outport == "lrp-1a8162", priority 
100, uuid 5260dfc5
+      output;
+      /* output to "lrp-1a8162", type "patch" */
+  ingress(dp="n2", inport="1a8162")
+  ---------------------------------
+   0. ls_in_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3234): inport == "1a8162", priority 50, 
uuid 10957d1b
+      next;
+   3. ls_in_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2624): ip && inport == "1a8162", priority 
110, uuid a27ebd00
+      next;
+  13. ls_in_l2_lkup (ovn-northd.c:3529): eth.dst == fa:16:3e:89:f2:36, 
priority 50, uuid dcafb3e9
+      outport = "cp";
+      output;
+  egress(dp="n2", inport="1a8162", outport="cp")
+  ----------------------------------------------
+   1. ls_out_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2648): ip, priority 100, uuid cd9cfa74
+      reg0[0] = 1;
+      next;
+   2. ls_out_pre_stateful (ovn-northd.c:2766): reg0[0] == 1, priority 100, 
uuid 9e8e22c5
+      ct_next;
+  ct_next(ct_state=est|trk /* default (use --ct to customize) */)
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------
+   4. ls_out_acl (ovn-northd.c:2925): ! && ct.est && !ct.rpl && 
ct_label.blocked == 0 && (outport == "cp" && ip6 && ip6.src == 
$as_ip6_0fc1b6cf_f925_49e6_8f00_6dd13beca9dc), priority 2002, uuid 12fc96f9
+      next;
+   7. ls_out_port_sec_ip (ovn-northd.c:2390): outport == "cp" && eth.dst == 
fa:16:3e:89:f2:36 && ip6.dst == {fe80::f816:3eff:fe89:f236, ff00::/8, fc22::7}, 
priority 90, uuid c622596a
+      next;
+   8. ls_out_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3654): outport == "cp" && eth.dst == 
{fa:16:3e:89:f2:36}, priority 50, uuid 0242cdc3
+      output;
+      /* output to "cp", type "" */
+Let's explore how ACLs work in OpenStack and OVN.  In OpenStack, ACL
+rules are part of "security groups", which are "default deny", that
+is, packets are not allowed by default and the rules added to security
+groups serve to allow different classes of packets.  The default group
+(named "default") that is assigned to each of our VMs so far allows
+all traffic from our other VMs, which isn't very interesting for
+testing.  So, let's create a new security group, which we'll name
+"custom", add rules to it that allow incoming SSH and ICMP traffic,
+and apply this security group to VM ``c``::
+  $ openstack security group create custom
+  $ openstack security group rule create --dst-port 22 custom
+  $ openstack security group rule create --protocol icmp custom
+  $ openstack server remove security group c default
+  $ openstack server add security group c custom
+Now we can do some experiments to test security groups.  From the
+console on ``a`` or ``b``, it should now be possible to "ping" ``c``
+or to SSH to it, but attempts to initiate connections on other ports
+should be blocked.  (You can try to connect on another port with
+``ssh -p PORT IP`` or ``nc PORT IP``.)  Connection attempts should
+time out rather than receive the "connection refused" or "connection
+reset" error that you would see between ``a`` and ``b``.
+It's also possible to test ACLs via ovn-trace, with one new wrinkle.
+ovn-trace can't simulate connection tracking state in the network, so
+by default it assumes that every packet represents an established
+connection.  That's good enough for what we've been doing so far, but
+for checking properties of security groups we want to look at more
+If you look back at the VM-to-VM traces we've done until now, you can
+see that they execute two ``ct_next`` actions:
+* The first of these is for the packet passing outward through the
+  source VM's firewall.  We can tell ovn-trace to treat the packet as
+  starting a new connection or adding to an established connection by
+  adding a ``--ct`` option: ``--ct new`` or ``--ct est``,
+  respectively.  The latter is the default and therefore what we've
+  been using so far.  We can also use ``--ct est,rpl``, which in
+  addition to ``--ct est`` means that the connection was initiated by
+  the destination VM rather than by the VM sending this packet.
+* The second is for the packet passing inward through the destination
+  VM's firewall.  For this one, it makes sense to tell ovn-trace that
+  the packet is starting a new connection, with ``--ct new``, or that
+  it is a packet sent in reply to a connection established by the
+  destination VM, with ``--ct est,rpl``.
+ovn-trace uses the ``--ct`` options in order, so if we want to
+override the second ``ct_next`` behavior we have to specify two
+Another useful ovn-trace option for this testing is ``--minimal``,
+which reduces the amount of output.  In this case we're really just
+interested in finding out whether the packet reaches the destination
+VM, that is, whether there's an eventual ``output`` action to ``c``,
+so ``--minimal`` works fine and the output is easier to read.
+Try a few traces.  For example:
+* VM ``a`` initiates a new SSH connection to ``c``::
+    $ ovn-trace --ct new --ct new --minimal n1 'inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
'$AP_MAC' && eth.dst == '$N1SUBNET6_MAC' && ip4.src == && ip4.dst == && ip.ttl == 64 && tcp.dst == 22'
+    ...
+    ct_next(ct_state=new|trk) {
+       ip.ttl--;
+       eth.src = fa:16:3e:19:9f:46;
+       eth.dst = fa:16:3e:89:f2:36;
+       ct_next(ct_state=new|trk) {
+           output("cp");
+       };
+    };
+  This succeeds, as you can see since there is an ``output`` action.
+* VM ``a`` initiates a new Telnet connection to ``c``::
+    $ ovn-trace --ct new --ct new --minimal n1 'inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
'$AP_MAC' && eth.dst == '$N1SUBNET6_MAC' && ip4.src == && ip4.dst == && ip.ttl == 64 && tcp.dst == 23'
+    ct_next(ct_state=new|trk) {
+       ip.ttl--;
+       eth.src = fa:16:3e:19:9f:46;
+       eth.dst = fa:16:3e:89:f2:36;
+       ct_next(ct_state=new|trk);
+    };
+  This fails, as you can see from the lack of an ``output`` action.
+* VM ``a`` replies to a packet that is part of a Telnet connection
+  originally initiated by ``c``::
+    $ ovn-trace --ct est,rpl --ct est,rpl --minimal n1 'inport == "ap" && 
eth.src == '$AP_MAC' && eth.dst == '$N1SUBNET6_MAC' && ip4.src == && 
ip4.dst == && ip.ttl == 64 && tcp.dst == 23'
+    ...
+    ct_next(ct_state=est|rpl|trk) {
+       ip.ttl--;
+       eth.src = fa:16:3e:19:9f:46;
+       eth.dst = fa:16:3e:89:f2:36;
+       ct_next(ct_state=est|rpl|trk) {
+           output("cp");
+       };
+    };
+  This succeeds, as you can see from the ``output`` action, since
+  traffic received in reply to an outgoing connection is always
+  allowed.
+As a final demonstration of the OVN architecture, let's examine the
+DHCP implementation.  Like switching, routing, and NAT, the OVN
+implementation of DHCP involves configuration in the NB DB and logical
+flows in the SB DB.
+Let's look at the DHCP support for ``a``'s port ``ap``.  The port's
+Logical_Switch_Port record shows that ``ap`` has DHCPv4 options::
+  $ ovn-nbctl list logical_switch_port ap | abbrev
+  _uuid               : ef17e5
+  addresses           : ["fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7 fc11::5"]
+  dhcpv4_options      : 165974
+  dhcpv6_options      : 26f7cd
+  dynamic_addresses   : []
+  enabled             : true
+  external_ids        : {"neutron:port_name"=ap}
+  name                : "820c08"
+  options             : {}
+  parent_name         : []
+  port_security       : ["fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7 fc11::5"]
+  tag                 : []
+  tag_request         : []
+  type                : ""
+  up                  : true
+We can then list them either by UUID or, more easily, by port name::
+  $ ovn-nbctl list dhcp_options ap | abbrev
+  _uuid               : 165974
+  cidr                : ""
+  external_ids        : {subnet_id="5e67e7"}
+  options             : {lease_time="43200", mtu="1442", router="", 
server_id="", server_mac="fa:16:3e:bb:94:72"}
+These options show the basic DHCP configuration for the subnet.  They
+do not include the IP address itself, which comes from the
+Logical_Switch_Port record.  This allows a whole Neutron subnet to
+share a single DHCP_Options record.  You can see this sharing in
+action, if you like, by listing the record for port ``bp``, which is
+on the same subnet as ``ap``, and see that it is the same record as before::
+  $ ovn-nbctl list dhcp_options bp | abbrev
+  _uuid               : 165974
+  cidr                : ""
+  external_ids        : {subnet_id="5e67e7"}
+  options             : {lease_time="43200", mtu="1442", router="", 
server_id="", server_mac="fa:16:3e:bb:94:72"}
+You can take another look at the southbound flow table if you like,
+but the best demonstration is to trace a DHCP packet.  The following
+is a trace of a DHCP request inbound from ``ap``.  The first part is
+just the usual travel through the firewall::
+  $ ovn-trace n1 'inport == "ap" && eth.src == '$AP_MAC' && eth.dst == 
ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff && ip4.dst == && udp.src == 68 && udp.dst == 
67 && ip.ttl == 1'
+  ...
+  ingress(dp="n1", inport="ap")
+  -----------------------------
+   0. ls_in_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3234): inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
{fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7}, priority 50, uuid 6dcc418a
+      next;
+   1. ls_in_port_sec_ip (ovn-northd.c:2325): inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7 && ip4.src == && ip4.dst == && 
udp.src == 68 && udp.dst == 67, priority 90, uuid e46bed6f
+      next;
+   3. ls_in_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2646): ip, priority 100, uuid 46c089e6
+      reg0[0] = 1;
+      next;
+   5. ls_in_pre_stateful (ovn-northd.c:2764): reg0[0] == 1, priority 100, uuid 
+      ct_next;
+The next part is the new part.  First, an ACL in table 6 allows a DHCP
+request to pass through.  In table 11, the special ``put_dhcp_opts``
+action replaces a DHCPDISCOVER or DHCPREQUEST packet by a
+reply.  Table 12 flips the packet's source and destination and sends
+it back the way it came in::
+   6. ls_in_acl (ovn-northd.c:2925): ! && ct.est && !ct.rpl && 
ct_label.blocked == 0 && (inport == "ap" && ip4 && ip4.dst == {,} && udp && udp.src == 68 && udp.dst == 67), priority 2002, uuid 
+      next;
+  11. ls_in_dhcp_options (ovn-northd.c:3409): inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7 && ip4.src == && ip4.dst == && 
udp.src == 68 && udp.dst == 67, priority 100, uuid 8d63f29c
+      reg0[3] = put_dhcp_opts(offerip =, lease_time = 43200, mtu = 
1442, netmask =, router =, server_id =;
+      /* We assume that this packet is DHCPDISCOVER or DHCPREQUEST. */
+      next;
+  12. ls_in_dhcp_response (ovn-northd.c:3438): inport == "ap" && eth.src == 
fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7 && ip4 && udp.src == 68 && udp.dst == 67 && reg0[3], priority 
100, uuid 995eeaa9
+      eth.dst = eth.src;
+      eth.src = fa:16:3e:bb:94:72;
+      ip4.dst =;
+      ip4.src =;
+      udp.src = 67;
+      udp.dst = 68;
+      outport = inport;
+      flags.loopback = 1;
+      output;
+Then the last part is just traveling back through the firewall to VM
+  egress(dp="n1", inport="ap", outport="ap")
+  ------------------------------------------
+   1. ls_out_pre_acl (ovn-northd.c:2648): ip, priority 100, uuid 3752b746
+      reg0[0] = 1;
+      next;
+   2. ls_out_pre_stateful (ovn-northd.c:2766): reg0[0] == 1, priority 100, 
uuid 0c066ea1
+      ct_next;
+  ct_next(ct_state=est|trk /* default (use --ct to customize) */)
+  ---------------------------------------------------------------
+   4. ls_out_acl (ovn-northd.c:3008): outport == "ap" && eth.src == 
fa:16:3e:bb:94:72 && ip4.src == && udp && udp.src == 67 && udp.dst == 
68, priority 34000, uuid 0b383e77
+      ct_commit;
+      next;
+   7. ls_out_port_sec_ip (ovn-northd.c:2364): outport == "ap" && eth.dst == 
fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7 && ip4.dst == {,,}, 
priority 90, uuid 7b8cbcd5
+      next;
+   8. ls_out_port_sec_l2 (ovn-northd.c:3654): outport == "ap" && eth.dst == 
{fa:16:3e:a9:4c:c7}, priority 50, uuid b874ece8
+      output;
+      /* output to "ap", type "" */
+Further Directions
+We've looked at a fair bit of how OVN works and how it interacts with
+OpenStack.  If you still have some interest, then you might want to
+explore some of these directions:
+* Adding more than one hypervisor ("compute node", in OpenStack
+  parlance).  OVN connects compute nodes by tunneling packets with the
+  STT or Geneve protocols.  OVN scales to 1000 compute nodes or more,
+  but two compute nodes demonstrate the principle.  All of the tools
+  and techniques we demonstrated also work with multiple compute
+  nodes.
+* Container support.  OVN supports seamlessly connecting VMs to
+  containers, whether the containers are hosted on "bare metal" or
+  nested inside VMs.  OpenStack support for containers, however, is
+  still evolving, and too difficult to incorporate into the tutorial
+  at this point.
+* Other kinds of gateways.  In addition to floating IPs with NAT, OVN
+  supports directly attaching VMs to a physical network and connecting
+  logical switches to VTEP hardware.

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