Hi Ben,

Thanks for the look!

Ben Pfaff <b...@ovn.org> writes:

> On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 04:44:32PM -0400, Aaron Conole wrote:
>> Greetings dev,
>> I have whipped up a quick little utility (find below), that I've done a
>> bit of debugging with and it seems to have made working with dump-flows
>> from ovs-ofctl a little easier to use.
>> If you think it's worthwhile to add to the repository, I'll submit it
>> formally.  We were using it while debugging some strange packet
>> forwarding in openshift.
>> -Aaron
> Thanks for working to make the ovs-ofctl formatting better!
> I prefer to interpret this script as a kind of "feature request" for
> "ovs-ofctl dump-flows".  This command already has some special support,
> compared to other ovs-ofctl commands, and it might make sense to
> continue adding to it.

In which way?  It calls the same ofp-print code, iirc.

> ovs-ofctl dump-flows already has one of the features that this script
> adds, that is, sorting the flows and removing "OFPST_FLOW" lines.  You
> turn this on by using the "--sort" (or "--rsort") option.

Ahh, cool - I missed that.

> The other features that this script provides all seem like ones that
> would be useful to add to ovs-ofctl itself.  I'd tend to prefer to
> continue enhancing it rather than adding wrapper scripts; I think that
> this is likely to yield a more coherent design in the end, and possibly
> higher quality.  Is that something you're willing to consider?

I had started to work on this, back in December, but there were hundreds
of lines of existing formatting code that would have to change (this is
related to the discussion here:
and I thought it might be a better use of time to simply wrap the output
- especially since I didn't know if any future changes in that area were
going to happen.  The last thing I want to do is break the existing
output (which I do use quite a bit for debugging, so retraining myself
would be painful) if someone has scripts which rely on it.
Additionally, quite a few print commands would have changed to give the
data to the table structure, rather than a long string.  It looked to be
a rather large change for something that could be resolved with a
wrapper.  Maybe I misinterpreted your response (from here

The other thing that adds complication is replacing the port numbers
with names from the database.  That would require a second transaction
(unless there's a way to batch that during the initial dump-flows
request, but I couldn't see an obvious way), and I didn't know if it
would be okay to do (and how to treat failures... after all, it's
convenient, but it isn't requisite to have the numbers replaced with
names).  There are a few minor changes I have to my copy of the script
(I've added back the packet counts, and I have the port output in a way
that we can not-quite paste the flow back in to an add-flow), but I
ended up also using the direct output of dump-flows.

As for how to implement it, I could have put some kind of post processor
that would split the strings up (the way I have done with the script),
but that felt rather hacky (since it's basically the formatting script,
but in c-code form).

Anyway, I submitted this as a start.  If you think it's better to do the
work in the ofp-print library then I can revisit it.  Maybe the reduced
set of things that were really helpful, and the rest we can just say
"don't fear sed".

> Thanks,
> Ben.
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