This is adapted from a talk I gave at OpenStack Summit Sydney on Nov. 6.

Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <>
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+       Documentation/topics/ovn-news-2.8.rst \
        Documentation/topics/ovsdb-replication.rst \
        Documentation/topics/porting.rst \
        Documentation/topics/role-based-access-control.rst \
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+   ovn-news-2.8
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+      WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+      License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+      under the License.
+      Convention for heading levels in Open vSwitch documentation:
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+      Avoid deeper levels because they do not render well.
+What's New with OVS and OVN 2.8
+This document is about what was added in Open vSwitch 2.8, which was released
+at the end of August 2017, concentrating on the new features in OVN.  It also
+covers some of what is coming up in Open vSwitch and OVN 2.9, which is due to
+be released in February 2018.  OVN has many features, and this document does
+not cover every new or enhanced feature (but contributions are welcome).
+Overview of OVN
+Most readers probably know already about the general structure and purpose of
+OVN, but it still seems wise to begin with a summary.  OVN, the Open Virtual
+Network project, is a sub-project of Open vSwitch that aims to implement a
+general-purpose network virtualization system layered on top of Open vSwitch.
+OVN is cloud management system independent, although it is most closely
+integrated with OpenStack Neutron and Kubernetes.
+The architecture of OVN looks like this::
+                                    CMS
+                                     |
+                                     |
+                         +-----------|-----------+
+                         |           |           |
+                         |     OVN/CMS Plugin    |
+                         |           |           |
+                         |           |           |
+                         |   OVN Northbound DB   |
+                         |           |           |
+                         |           |           |
+                         |       ovn-northd      |
+                         |           |           |
+                         +-----------|-----------+
+                                     |
+                                     |
+                           +-------------------+
+                           | OVN Southbound DB |
+                           +-------------------+
+                                     |
+                                     |
+                  +------------------+------------------+
+                  |                  |                  |
+    HV 1          |                  |    HV n          |
+  +---------------|---------------+  .  +---------------|---------------+
+  |               |               |  .  |               |               |
+  |        ovn-controller         |  .  |        ovn-controller         |
+  |         |          |          |  .  |         |          |          |
+  |         |          |          |     |         |          |          |
+  |  ovs-vswitchd   ovsdb-server  |     |  ovs-vswitchd   ovsdb-server  |
+  |                               |     |                               |
+  +-------------------------------+     +-------------------------------+
+From the highest to lowest level, these layers and the software components that
+connect them are:
+* The CMS, such as OpenStack Neutron.  As the top level in the system, this is
+  the authoritative source of the virtual network configuration.
+* A CMS component specific to OVN, to translate the CMS's own configuration
+  into the format understood by OVN.  In Neutron, this is ``networking-ovn``,
+  the driver that interfaces with OVN and translates the internal Neutron
+  representation of the virtual network into OVN's representation and pushes
+  that representation down the OVN northbound database.
+* The OVN Northbound database, aka NB DB.  This is an instance of OVSDB, a
+  simple general-purpose database that is used for multiple purposes in Open
+  vSwitch and OVN.  The NB DB's schema is in terms of networking concepts such
+  as switches and routers.  The NB DB serves the purpose that in other systems
+  might be filled by some kind of API; for example, in place of calling an API
+  to create or delete a logical switch, ``networking-ovn`` performs these
+  operations by inserting or deleting a row in the NB DB's Logical_Switch
+  table.
+  OVN's ``ovn-nbctl`` utility manipulates the northbound database.
+* The ``ovn-northd`` daemon, a program that runs centrally and translates the
+  NB DB's network representation into the lower-level representation used by
+  the OVN Southbound database in the next layer.  The details of this daemon
+  are usually not of interest, although without it OVN will not work, so this
+  tutorial does not often mention it.
+* The OVN Southbound database, aka SB DB, which is also an OVSDB
+  database.  Its schema is very different from the NB DB.  Instead of
+  familiar networking concepts, the SB DB defines the network in terms
+  of collections of match-action rules called "logical flows", which
+  while similar in concept to OpenFlow flows use logical concepts, such
+  as virtual machine instances, in place of physical concepts like
+  physical Ethernet ports.
+  OVN's ``ovn-sbctl`` utility can manipulate and observe the SB DB.
+* The ``ovn-controller`` daemon.  A copy of ``ovn-controller`` runs on each
+  hypervisor.  It reads logical flows from the SB DB, translates them into
+  OpenFlow flows, and sends them to Open vSwitch's ``ovs-vswitchd`` daemon.
+  Like ``ovn-northd``, usually the details of what this daemon are not of
+  interest, even though it's important to the operation of the system.
+* ``ovs-vswitchd``.  This program runs on each hypervisor.  It is the core of
+  Open vSwitch, which processes packets according to the OpenFlow flows set up
+  by ``ovn-controller``.
+* Open vSwitch datapath.  This is essentially a cache designed to accelerate
+  packet processing.  Open vSwitch includes a few different datapaths but OVN
+  installations typically use one based on the Open vSwitch Linux kernel
+  module.
+Debugging and Troubleshooting
+Before version 2.8, Open vSwitch command-line tools were far more painful to
+use than they needed to be.  This section covers the improvements made to the
+CLI in the 2.8 release.
+User-Hostile UUIDs
+The OVN CLI, through ``ovn-nbctl``, ``ovn-nbctl``, and ``ovn-trace``, used
+full-length UUIDs almost everywhere.  It didn't even provide any assistance
+with completion, etc., which in practice meant always cutting and pasting UUIDs
+from one command or window to another.  This problem wasn't limited to the
+places where one would expect to have to see or use a UUID, either.  In many
+places where one would expect to be able to use a network, router, or port
+name, a UUID was required instead.  In many places where one would want to see
+a name, the UUID was displayed instead.  More than anything else, these
+shortcomings made the CLI user-hostile.
+There was an underlying problem that the southbound database didn't actually
+contain all the information needed to provide a decent user interface.  In some
+cases, for example, the human-friendly names that one would want to use for
+entities simply weren't part of the database.  These names weren't necessary
+for correctness, only for usability.
+OVN 2.8 eased many of these problems.  Most parts of the CLI now allow the user
+to abbreviate UUIDs, as long as the abbreviations are unique within the
+database.  Some parts of the CLI where full-length UUIDs make output hard to
+read now abbreviate them themselves.  Perhaps more importantly, in many places
+the OVN CLI now displays and accepts human-friendly names for networks,
+routers, ports, and other entities.  In the places where the names were not
+previously available, OVN (through ``ovn-northd``) now copies the names into
+the southbound database.
+The CLIs for layers below OVN, at the OpenFlow and datapath layers with
+``ovs-ofctl`` and ``ovs-dpctl``, respectively, had some similar problems in
+which numbers were used for entities that had human-friendly names.  Open
+vSwitch 2.8 also solves some of those problems.  Other than that, the most
+notable enhancement in this area was the ``--no-stats`` option to ``ovs-ofctl
+dump-flows``, which made that command's output more readable for the cases
+where per-flow statistics were not interesting to the reader.
+Connections Between Levels
+OVN and Open vSwitch work almost like a stack of compilers: Neutron
+configuration is translated to OVN northbound configuration, which the OVN
+Neutron plugin translates to OVN southbound logical flows, which ``ovn-northd``
+translates to OpenFlow flows, which Open vSwitch translates to datapath flows.
+For debugging and troubleshooting it is often necessary to understand exactly
+how these translations work.  The relationship from a logical flow to its
+OpenFlow flows, or in the other direction, from an OpenFlow flow back to the
+logical flow that produced it, was often of particular interest, but OVN didn't
+provide good tools for the job.
+OVN 2.8 added some new features that ease these jobs.  ``ovn-sbctl lflow-list``
+has a new option ``--ovs`` that lists the OpenFlow flows on a particular
+chassis that were generated from the logical flows that it lists.
+``ovn-trace`` also added a similar ``--ovs`` option that applies to the logical
+flows it traces.
+In the other direction, OVN 2.8 added a new utility ``ovn-detrace`` that, given
+an Open vSwitch trace of OpenFlow flows, annotates it with the logical flows
+that yielded those OpenFlow flows.
+Distributed Firewall
+OVN supports a distributed firewall with stateful connection tracking to ensure
+that only packets for established connections, or those that the configuration
+explicitly allows, can ingress a given VM or container.  Neutron uses this
+feature by default.  Most packets in an OpenStack environment pass through it
+twice, once after egress from the packet's source VM and once before ingress
+into its destination VM.  Before OVN 2.8, the ``ovn-trace`` program, which
+shows the path of a packet through an OVN logical network, did not support the
+logical firewall, which in practice made it almost useless for Neutron.
+In OVN 2.8, ``ovn-trace`` adds support for the logical firewall.  By default it
+assumes that packets are part of an established connection, which is usually
+what the user wants as part of the trace.  It also accepts command-line options
+to override that assumption, which allows the user to discover the treatment of
+packets that the firewall should drop.
+At the next level deeper, prior to Open vSwitch 2.8, the OpenFlow tracing
+command ``ofproto/trace`` also supported neither the connection tracking
+feature underlying the OVN distributed firewall nor the "recirculation" feature
+that accompanied it.  This meant that, even if the user tried to look deeper
+into the distributed firewall mechanism, he or she would encounter a further
+roadblock.  Open vSwitch 2.8 added support for both of these features as well.
+Summary Display
+``ovn-nbctl show`` and ``ovn-sbctl show``, for showing an overview of the OVN
+configuration, didn't show a lot of important information.  OVN adds some more
+useful information here.
+OVN 2.8 adds a built-in DNS server designed for assigning names to VMs and
+containers within an OVN logical network.  DNS names are assigned using records
+in the OVN northbound database and, like other OVN features, translated into
+logical flows at the OVN southbound layer.  DNS requests directed to the OVN
+DNS server never leave the hypervisor from which the request is sent; instead,
+OVN processes and replies to the request from its ``ovn-controller`` local
+agent.  The OVN DNS server is not a general-purpose DNS server and cannot be
+used for that purpose.
+OVN has built-in support for DHCPv4 and DHCPv6.  OVN 2.8 adds small
+OVN includes simple built-in support for IP address management (IPAM), in which
+OVN assigns IP addresses to VMs or containers from a pool or pools of IP
+addresses delegated to it by the administrator.  Before OVN 2.8, OVN IPAM only
+supported IPv4 addresses; OVN 2.8 adds support for IPv6.  OVN 2.8 also enhances
+the address pool support to allow specific addresses to be excluded.  Neutron
+assigns IP addresses itself and does not use OVN IPAM.
+High Availability
+As a distributed system, in OVN a lot can go wrong.  As OVN advances, it adds
+redundancy in places where currently a single failure could disrupt the
+functioning of the system as a whole.  OVN 2.8 adds two new kinds of high
+ovn-northd HA
+The ``ovn-northd`` program sits between the OVN northbound and southbound
+databases and translates from a logical network configuration into logical
+flows.  If ``ovn-northd`` itself or the host on which it runs fails, then
+updates to the OVN northbound configuration will not propagate to the
+hypervisors and the OVN configuration freezes in place until ``ovn-northd``
+OVN 2.8 adds support for active-backup HA to ``ovn-northd``.  When more than
+one ``ovn-northd`` instance runs, it uses an OVSDB locking feature to
+automatically choose a single active instance.  When that instance dies or
+becomes nonresponsive, the OVSDB server automatically choose one of the
+remaining instance(s) to take over.
+L3 Gateway HA
+In OVN 2.8, multiple chassis may now be specified for L3 gateways.  When more
+than one chassis is specified, OVN manages high availability for that gateway.
+Each hypervisor uses the BFD protocol to keep track of the gateway nodes that
+are currently up.  At any given time, a hypervisor uses the highest-priority
+gateway node that is currently up.
+The OVN architecture relies heavily on OVSDB, the Open vSwitch database, for
+hosting the northbound and southbound databases.  OVSDB was originally selected
+for this purpose because it was already used in Open vSwitch for configuring
+OVS itself and, thus, it was well integrated with OVS and well supported in C
+and Python, the two languages that are used in Open vSwitch.
+OVSDB was well designed for its original purpose of configuring Open vSwitch.
+It supports ACID transactions, has a small, efficient server, a flexible schema
+system, and good support for troubleshooting and debugging.  However, it lacked
+several features that are important for OVN but not for Open vSwitch.  As OVN
+advances, these missing features have become more and more of a problem.  One
+option would be to switch to a different database that already has many of
+these features, but despite a careful search, no ideal existing database was
+identified, so the project chose instead to improve OVSDB where necessary to
+bring it up to speed.  The following sections talk more about recent and future
+High Availability
+When ``ovsdb-server`` was only used for OVS configuration, high availability
+was not important.  ``ovsdb-server`` was capable of restarting itself
+automatically if it crashed, and if the whole system went down then Open
+vSwitch itself was dead too, so the database server's failure was not
+In contrast, the northbound and southbound databases are centralized components
+of a distributed system, so it is important that they not be a single point of
+failure for the system as a whole.  In released versions of OVN,
+``ovsdb-server`` supports only "active-backup replication" across a pair of
+servers.  This means that if one server goes down, the other can pick it back
+up approximately where the other one left off.  The servers do not have
+built-in support for deciding at any given time which is the active and which
+the backup, so the administrator must configure an external agent to do this
+Active-backup replication is not entirely satisfactory, for multiple reasons.
+Replication is only approximate.  Configuring the external agent requires extra
+work.  There is no benefit from the backup server except when the active server
+fails.  At most two servers can be used.
+A new form of high availability for OVSDB is under development for the OVN 2.9
+release, based on the Raft algorithm for distributed consensus.  Whereas
+replication uses two servers, clustering using Raft requires three or more
+(typically an odd number) and continues functioning as long as more than half
+of the servers are up.  The clustering implementation is built into
+``ovsdb-server`` and does not require an external agent.  Clustering preserves
+the ACID properties of the database, so that a transaction that commits is
+guaranteed to persist.  Finally, reads (which are the bulk of the OVN workload)
+scale with the size of the cluster, so that adding more servers should improve
+performance as the number of hypervisors in an OVN deployment increases.  As of
+this writing, OVSDB support for clustering is undergoing development and early
+deployment testing.
+RBAC security
+Until Open vSwitch 2.8, ``ovsdb-server`` had little support for access control
+within a database.  If an OVSDB client could modify the database at all, it
+could make arbitrary changes.  This was sufficient for most uses case to that
+Hypervisors in an OVN deployment need access to the OVN southbound database.
+Most of their access is reads, to find out about the OVN configuration.
+Hypervisors do need some write access to the southbound database, primarily to
+let the other hypervisors know what VMs and containers they are running and how
+to reach them.  Thus, OVN gives all of the hypervisors in the OVN deployment
+write access to the OVN southbound database.  This is fine when all is well,
+but if any of the hypervisors were compromised then they could disrupt the
+entire OVN deployment by corrupting the database.
+The OVN developers considered a few ways to solve this problem.  One way would
+be to introduce a new central service (perhaps in ``ovn-northd``) that provided
+only the kinds of writes that the hypervisors legitimately need, and then grant
+hypervisors direct access to the southbound database only for reads.  But
+ultimately the developers decided to introduce a new form of more access
+control for OVSDB, called the OVSDB RBAC (role-based access control) feature.
+OVSDB RBAC allows for granular enough control over access that hypervisors can
+be granted only the ability to add, modify, and delete the records that relate
+to themselves, preventing them from corrupting the database as a whole.
+Further Directions
+For more information about new features in OVN and Open vSwitch, please refer
+to the NEWS file distributed with the source tree.  If you have questions about
+Open vSwitch or OVN features, please feel free to write to the Open vSwitch
+discussion mailing list at

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